These bots are essentially a glorified Trembot initially made by Amine. (Though, I ripped these bots from Teapot's TeaMod. I hope you don't mind)
You can get the patch and qvm here: Old Link
New Link: are very basic and tend to get stuck a lot, although I tried my best to prevent it. For example, it will take about 5 min for a bot to go from human to alien base, when it cannot find an enemy.
- Controllable Skill Level (0 is aimbot, 100 and above has them running in circles)
- Buy stuff
- Evolve
- Rant/Goon/Mara use alt attack along with primary attack
- Don't attack base
Usage Information from TremBot's patch page:
== ADMIN ==
It is controlled completely via admin commands:
bot add [botname] [team]
bot add ROBOCOP humans - adds ROBOCOP to human team
bot add ALIENBOT aliens - adds ALIENBOT to alien team
bot del [name-match]
bot del ROBO - deletes every bot that contains 'ROBO' in their name
bot del BOT - deletes every bot that contains 'BOT' in their name
botcmd [name-match] [command]
This will change the bot behavior.
botcmd ROBOCOP idle <-- idle. don't shoot enemy, nothing.
botcmd ROBOCOP standground <-- stand ground but kill enemy.
botcmd ROBOCOP regular <-- chase enemy and kill (default behavior).
botcmd ROBOCOP teamkill <-- consider teammates as enemies.
botcmd ROBOCOP followattack <-- follow me until you see enemy, kill it, then follow me again!
botcmd ROBOCOP followidle <-- follow me no matter what. Do not attack.
botcmd ROBOCOP followprotect <-- not yet implemented.
botcmd ROBOCOP defensive <-- not yet implemented.
botcmd ROBOCOP attack <-- not yet implemented.
botcmd ROBOCOP skill [number] <-- Control Skill
Any other botcmd behavior will default to 'regular'.
== SETUP ==
OKAY, Pay attention. Your server MUST have reserved slots! In your config, you will find a line that looks like this (if not, add it!):
sv_privateclients 3
Change it's value (3) to the MAXIMUM amount of bots you want added!
The reserved password does not matter for bots.