both lines relate to the same error, you do not have the priviledges needed (root) to run that program as the user you are logged in as.
you can as gimhael said without explaining why, the sudo command runs a program as root (admin).
There's only one user on ubuntu because its a virtual machine.
Thx anyways.
***My tremded won't work, [can't find an IP socket, 'too many open files' it says] and my trem-gpp's client, when i change the fs_game to something else it says it is write-protected. So i tried the old-fasioned way of using the menu, 'mods'. I double click on TremX [i don't have tremx from 1.1 anymore, so i used this name] and my screen starts doing the fullscreen trick, except this time it never came out of fullscreen. I can't switch programs, all i can do is turn up and down the brightness of the screen and volume, and force-shutdown the computer by holding the off button. Nothing else works.
[I never fixed this 'glitch' on my computer, i just created a shortcut through Steam and somehow it worked. Refer to this topic: Apperently it still hasn't been solved so im temporary on steam and the problems are comming back slowly, starting with the default tremulous menu and data-1.1.0.pk3 not being found although it is there.]
EDIT: i forgot to tell you why i needed to compile this qvm: its so i can get the ui.qvm to see if it solves the TremX problem [it never worked when i download straight from the server].
Will this qvm work for normal gpp? [%appdata% (on my computer it is library)/tremulous/gpp] Gpp is the only 'mod' that works with my gpp client right now, with an exception of Flying Alien test. Flying alien test only worked once, just before the mega crash half a year ago Then it continued crashing.