Author Topic: Where did TremZ Go?  (Read 108070 times)


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2011, 04:06:10 pm »
Why do you care anyway?  It's just a conspiracy theory.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2011, 08:21:49 pm »
R u guys gonna come up with a better name for this project?
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2011, 09:57:40 pm »
R u guys gonna come up with a better name for this project?

You make up Qrntz, u always angry, just calmdown. :police:
I am stupid idiot who dares to open mouth and start debating


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2011, 11:21:05 pm »
R u guys gonna come up with a better name for this project?
I think that Tremz is fine. ;)
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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2011, 11:51:35 pm »
Lol why do you people continue tremz related discussions here move it to #tremz on freenode please and thanks.

He said massive progress and then directed people to the image album. Very misleading.

lol CreatureofHell I'm really beginning to think you are what your name implies. Listen carefully i'm only going to say this once(well already said it might as well repeat it), that album you keep referring to in your replies from the moment it went up has been *random development shots* as in randomly updated randomly uploaded. Expecting any kind of sorting there is misleading on your part. There is a tremz blog you can visit for stuff like that (two of them if i remember correctly).

Had you guys listened and went to the IRC channel where this stuff belongs you'll have noticed tremz has it's own domain,hosting,blog,forums which is where these discussions belong. <--Directed at anyone who continues asking tremz related questions where they don't belong.

So tremz was a joke. right?
It was good I nearly thought it was real

Considering that development is still going on, it's probably real.

People thought that about 1.2

Again a week or two ago we asked for 4-7 people from the community to come do some devgames with us, had you been at the right channel at the right time you would have most likely gotten that invite. We are Tremz we aren't tremfusion,unvanquished, or tremulous. We do things differently even if we were to stop development at this point we'd have engine,models(Majority),ui done which is far more than any other tremulous fork has been able to get done ever.

Again if you have questions or concerns we are on IRC and the forums will be setup by tomorrow.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2011, 12:20:45 am »
Lol why do you people continue tremz related discussions here move it to #tremz on freenode please and thanks.
Because we can, and because you tried to stop such discussion once already, tbh we don't really give a shit about tremz but if we're not allowed to discuss it we're sure as hell going to try ;).
He said massive progress and then directed people to the image album. Very misleading.
lol CreatureofHell I'm really beginning to think you are what your name implies. Listen carefully i'm only going to say this once(well already said it might as well repeat it), that album you keep referring to in your replies from the moment it went up has been *random development shots* as in randomly updated randomly uploaded. Expecting any kind of sorting there is misleading on your part. There is a tremz blog you can visit for stuff like that (two of them if i remember correctly).
we've been having massive progress over the last week. And yes, check out that Picasa link for various shots of development.
He mentioned massive progress and the dev shots in quick succession, that does seem a tad misleading to me too.

Had you guys listened and went to the IRC channel where this stuff belongs you'll have noticed tremz has it's own domain,hosting,blog,forums which is where these discussions belong. <--Directed at anyone who continues asking tremz related questions where they don't belong.
I've sat around in your irc channels, they haven't proven terribly enlightening, where are these blogs, forums, etc, don't feel like sharing URLs?
Considering that Tremz is a mod of trem, discussion belongs here as much as anywhere.

Again a week or two ago we asked for 4-7 people from the community to come do some devgames with us, had you been at the right channel at the right time you would have most likely gotten that invite. We are Tremz we aren't tremfusion,unvanquished, or tremulous. We do things differently even if we were to stop development at this point we'd have engine,models(Majority),ui done which is far more than any other tremulous fork has been able to get done ever.
I could have sworn i was in tremz irc channels a week or two ago, i don't recall those dev games, are you sure you're not mistaking conversations in the secret invite only channel with public irc discussion?
Stop getting so over-excited about your achievements, bragging about being more awesome than any other dead trem fork seems a bit pointless, if you don't want to discuss tremz here then hush and wait until you've got something to show us before your start talking it up again.
Again if you have questions or concerns we are on IRC and the forums will be setup by tomorrow.
Ah, that explains why we're not already discussing it there and the fact that there were no URLs, good good.
my knees by my face and my ass is being hammered


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2011, 01:05:46 am »
There are some concerns in this thread that I would like to address:

First, the open development games have been happening, Tremulant. Unfortunately, you were not online during the time we held them, either due to you being asleep or merely the difference in time zones between us. Our development team is mostly concentrated in North America, with several members in Europe, and I believe one in Japan. The next time you're online and we're holding a game, we'll make sure to invite you over.

Now, the discussion has been somewhat limited, as we're currently in a phase of rapid development, and we have decided to be mostly quiet about it so that we can address your questions after our production has reached a stable state. We've found that our asset creators are more productive when we don't have dozens of angry eyes glaring in their direction. We assure you, once production has been completed mid to late October, everything will be opened up again, and you may all experience the fruits of our labor.

The initial postings on these forums were locked, on our request, after we determined that it would be a little too insulting to advertise our fork on the forums owned and operated by the original development team. Thus, please be patient while we organize our forums. The forums will be open to the public starting, I believe, this weekend. There you may ask all your questions regarding the development of TremZ. I will answer as many as possible, and if there are specific questions meant to be asked to a particular developer, I will contact them directly on our private IRC channel.

Regarding #tremz, we've only just recently opened it, so the local community there is starting to build up. We've decided to move all non-essential and non-confidential development chatter to #tremz, so over the coming weeks, expect it to be much more lively. As always, I will take your questions there, and if we feel like teasing you, we'll drop some screenshots there. I think that's fair, yes?

In my new designation as the sole point of contact for these forums regarding TremZ development, I'd like to cease the bickering that has gone on for the last few posts. I would also like to state that the URLs will be provided once we finish the appropriate sites. In the meantime, you can all view my personal development blog at, where I've been posting the story material I've been writing.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2011, 02:12:00 pm »
The one thing this project is lacking, is professionality. It all seems slightly amateurish, and that impression has formed mostly due to the behaviour of some of the TremZ dev team. Take c4's and Firstinaction's posts, they just seem to go into a massive rage when anyone has the slightest criticism. They're both excellent mappers/modders but I really do think they should either refrain from posting, or learn to take criticism with some amount of grace. That sort of attitude is peeing alot of people off, people who could potentially be future contributors or at the very least players.

I think even your guilty of this to a lesser degree volt, you have a tendency to get very defensive, and come off (deliberate or not) as very stand-offish and superior when someone is critical or skeptical of the project. What you have to realise is that we are all naturally going to be skeptical about this project until we get our hands on it, just because this is the tremulous community, who have been waiting 5 years for an update which seems like its never going to come.

You seem to be making an effort to take criticism well, but starting every paragraph with lol doesnt altogether hide your annoyance. My advice would be to leave community relations to kharnov, seeing as you elected him community guy and he has the right tone when dealing with naysayers. I think you agree with me, as you were the one who chose him for community guy. Just look at his post above, doesnt it just make you swoon.

I just want to reiterate that (incase it isnt already clear) I, like the vast majority people on this thread am very excited about TremZ and adore the progress that has been made in such a short pace of time. You and your team deserve a mega pat on the back for such great work, but many of us are reserving our metaphorical pats until we get to see the finished product, because like an abused child who is naturally suspicious of catholic priests, we are naturally suspicious of progress because we have been abused by norfenstein tremulous 1.2's (lack of) progress.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 02:18:04 pm by amz181 »


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2011, 05:24:18 pm »
My advice would be to leave community relations to kharnov, seeing as you elected him community guy and he has the right tone when dealing with naysayers. I think you agree with me, as you were the one who chose him for community guy. Just look at his post above, doesnt it just make you swoon.

I've already been designated as such, please refer to the post above.   :P


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2011, 09:01:36 pm »

I don't know man. We'll probably just rage you out.
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2011, 10:16:34 pm »
R u guys gonna come up with a better name for this project?
Volt's sexslaves' Mod of Tremulous

« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 10:33:05 pm by Vape »
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2011, 10:44:11 pm »

I don't know man. We'll probably just rage you out.

An alarming amount of GPPgai's seem to make up the current pool of testers. This must be remedied. By me.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #42 on: October 02, 2011, 12:26:41 am »

I don't know man. We'll probably just rage you out.

An alarming amount of GPPgai's seem to make up the current pool of testers. This must be remedied. By me.

Taken care of. By me.
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2011, 12:51:33 pm »
This may be oftopic but:

Also, you still haven't fixed the karith's missing texture. I noticed it 4 years ago and i thought it was my client, and its still there on karith-gpp.pk3. [and my mac's new karith download as i moved OS] The missing texture is the alien base main exit, top of door.


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You make up Qrntz, u always angry, just calmdown. :police:
I am stupid idiot who dares to open mouth and start debating


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #45 on: October 04, 2011, 03:03:15 pm »
@amz:  I'm pretty sure that behaving like a professional is the same as delivering finished product in a timely manner to a promised community.  No dev team is perfect, but, I do agree with your points.  Just wanted to throw in my opinion.

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #46 on: October 04, 2011, 04:53:38 pm »
when i say that. im serious. 1.2's development TURNED into TremZ. Well, volt posts '1.2's new hud and models' then next to it he posts 'TremZ's new models'. I'm confused. They both have the same stuff in those topics.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2011, 04:15:11 pm »
According to what your saying:
when i say that. im serious. 1.2's development TURNED into TremZ. Well, volt posts '1.2's new hud and models' then next to it he posts 'TremZ's new models'. I'm confused. They both have the same stuff in those topics.
sounds like tremz should be called tremulous 1.2
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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2011, 06:40:13 pm »
According to what your saying:
when i say that. im serious. 1.2's development TURNED into TremZ. Well, volt posts '1.2's new hud and models' then next to it he posts 'TremZ's new models'. I'm confused. They both have the same stuff in those topics.
sounds like tremz should be called tremulous 1.2

You make up Qrntz, u always angry, just calmdown. :police:
I am stupid idiot who dares to open mouth and start debating


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2011, 03:31:53 pm »
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.
Don't just live life with work.
Find some time every day to have some fun. ;)


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #50 on: October 06, 2011, 08:39:51 pm »
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.

Perhaps because it's because it's a fork and not the official tremulous development.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2011, 01:54:19 am »
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.

Perhaps because it's because it's a fork and not the official tremulous development.
ROFL @ "official".
the "official" word is overrated.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2011, 11:56:55 am »
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.

Perhaps because it's because it's a fork and not the official tremulous development.
ROFL @ "official".
the "official" word is overrated.
Did you mean offical?

You make up Qrntz, u always angry, just calmdown. :police:
I am stupid idiot who dares to open mouth and start debating

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2011, 02:33:03 pm »
Tremulous 1.2 - TremZ ? (acts as a subcategory)
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.

Perhaps because it's because it's a fork and not the official tremulous development.
ROFL @ "official".
the "official" word is overrated.
Did you mean offical?
Not in my country. It is spelt 'official'. Also, i googled 'offical' at it says 'do you mean 'official'?


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #54 on: October 08, 2011, 12:13:24 am »
Why not?

I don't see a reason why not to call it 1.2 considering that it is not gonna come out any time soon.

I mean that if 1.2 isn't coming at any of the dates mentioned in other posts may as well call it that.

Perhaps because it's because it's a fork and not the official tremulous development.
ROFL @ "official".
the "official" word is overrated.
Did you mean offical?
Not in my country. It is spelt 'official'. Also, i googled 'offical' at it says 'do you mean 'official'?
The joke was that when GPP first started the official servers were called offical by mistake. (or not)
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #55 on: October 26, 2011, 03:33:45 pm »
umm, why did they close their picassa album?  ???


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2011, 06:20:34 pm »
umm, why did they close their picassa album?  ???

We never closed it. Which link are you using?

Because I am helpful and not lazy, the proper link is here.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 09:59:32 pm by your face »


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2011, 08:48:22 am »
umm, why did they close their picassa album?  ???

We never closed it. Which link are you using?

Because I am helpful and not lazy, the proper link is here.
Strange when I tried to view it a few days ago it said that it was closed.
Well, thanks anyway.

Edit: nm, it's because I didn't access it via a link.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 08:50:42 am by KenuR »


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #58 on: November 11, 2011, 12:31:39 pm »

Erwin Rommel

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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #59 on: November 11, 2011, 03:20:49 pm »
I see you added some pics.

Are these your new "commercial" maps?
And why all the random pics of default trem maps?

As you can probably tell by the words "Enemy Territory" at the top of the screen, those are screen shots that show the ability that our new engine (which is based off open wolf) can now load the old trem ui and import maps from both trem and enemy territory into the new engine. 

So to answer your question, those screen shots are up to show progress :)