Author Topic: Give your mod a game name!  (Read 28979 times)


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Give your mod a game name!
« on: March 05, 2007, 09:00:34 am »
A scan right now of every active trem server shows they all run something called "base". Yet there is a very good chance that not all of those servers are running plain vanilla Tremulous.

To make it easier for those who wish to know before joining what kind of mods are running on the server, consider giving your mod a unique name as defined by GAME_VERSION in bg_public.h. The GAME_VERSION will show up to server browsers, so hopefully in the next release of Tremulous players will be able to see at a glance and filter by mods of their choosing.

This will also help keep more accurate stats for the Tremulous team to tweak game balance with as only vanilla Tremulous servers should be using the "base" folder. I imagine the balance stats right now are somewhat useless due to all the different types of mods running as "base" that have altered balance or other game-altering features.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2007, 09:09:41 am »
it shows directory used or game type


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 01:26:03 am »
Actually, a fair number use a directory called "base2" or "base3", and it is reflected in the server listings.
I'm playing Tremulous on a Mac!
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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 03:57:06 am »
Quote from: "techhead"
Actually, a fair number use a directory called "base2" or "base3", and it is reflected in the server listings.

I'm referring to the "gamename" cvar which is set in the code, there appears to be no way a server can influence this variable through the use of filesystem changes as it is set in the code and thus provides a reliable way of identifying a mod.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2007, 05:22:51 am »
set gamename <servername>

e.g set gamename DenyBuild

problem solved.
y last name is Jones, the family motto is "Jones' never give up!"

Currently ignoring all of your spams.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2007, 08:39:46 pm »
So I go to my server's console and try it, and this happens:
Code: [Select]
>set gamename DenyBuild
gamename is read only.

It only works if you do it when you start the server, i.e. in the command line
Code: [Select]
tremded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +set gamename DenyBuild
or, I suppose, you can put it in the server.cfg file.

You'd think that would have been obvious to me, but I had to learn the hard way.  :P


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2007, 08:58:04 pm »
Quote from: "FooBar"
So I go to my server's console and try it, and this happens:
Code: [Select]
>set gamename DenyBuild
gamename is read only.

It only works if you do it when you start the server, i.e. in the command line
Code: [Select]
tremded +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg +set gamename DenyBuild
or, I suppose, you can put it in the server.cfg file.

You'd think that would have been obvious to me, but I had to learn the hard way.  :P

or make it settable and change in each map

Lava Croft

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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2007, 07:07:58 pm »
I am sticky-ing this thread because it seems most of the modmakers still do not set their modname in a proper manner.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2007, 07:42:33 pm »
Quote from: "Lava Croft"
I am sticky-ing this thread because it seems most of the modmakers still do not set their modname in a proper manner.

Right now there is no way to see the game type in the in-game server browser anyway. XGF will show it and so will a client patched with my gametype patch:

Please nag devs to put that in SVN. :)


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2007, 07:58:19 pm »
Quote from: "Risujin"
Right now there is no way to see the game type in the in-game server browser anyway. XGF will show it and so will a client patched with my gametype patch:

Please nag devs to put that in SVN. :)

There's no way to see the fs_game of the server in the in-game server browser, but the default Server Info window shows the gamename, which is, I'm pretty sure, what is being discussed here.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2007, 08:08:00 pm »
Quote from: "benmachine"
There's no way to see the fs_game of the server in the in-game server browser

My patch adds a 'game' column that shows the fs_game value. vcxzet says that the hardcoded game name is also communicated but I don't think it is. XGF shows a blank gametype for all servers (understandable since this originally referred to multiple game types within one VM) and the fs_game value for the game column (I think?).


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2007, 08:33:36 pm »
it's XQF not XGF
Quote from: Asvarox link=topic=8622.msg169333#msg169333
Ok let's plan it out. Asva, you are nub, go sit on rets, I will build, you two go feed like hell, you go pwn their asses, and everyone else camp in the hallway, roger?
the dretch bites.
|..d| #


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2007, 10:12:54 am »
Quote from: "Risujin"
Quote from: "benmachine"
There's no way to see the fs_game of the server in the in-game server browser

My patch adds a 'game' column that shows the fs_game value. vcxzet says that the hardcoded game name is also communicated but I don't think it is. XGF shows a blank gametype for all servers (understandable since this originally referred to multiple game types within one VM) and the fs_game value for the game column (I think?).

On the server list, select a server, click Server Info
Game name

I haven't bothered to play about with fs_games and recompiling QVMs to confirm, but this value is balance on any balance server, base on any base server including the ones that are fs_game base2 etc.
Yes? If that column's not fs_game or GAME_VERSION then what is it?


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2007, 02:37:45 am »
Quote from: "benmachine"
this value is balance on any balance server, base on any base server including the ones that are fs_game base2 etc.

I should fix my patch in that case.  8)


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2007, 12:56:47 pm »
Also, please don't apply all your mods as vm-files to the base folder. Make mod directories like TremX did, so you can switch the server without many problems.


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2007, 12:13:17 am »
Quote from: "Lava Croft"
I am sticky-ing this thread because it seems most of the modmakers still do not set their modname in a proper manner.

benmachine pointed out today that server-side mods cannot set the game name because it will cause an error when a "base" cgame VM connects to a non-"base" game VM (a client/server mismatch). The only way for a server to communicate to players that it's not running a stock game VM is through the MOTD or hostname.


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    • ben's machinery
Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2007, 01:15:05 am »
Or fs_game. But there are far too many fs_games already. I have like six autogen.cfg files because Tremulous sees fit to make a new one every time D:


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Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2007, 01:17:53 am »
Quote from: "benmachine"
Or fs_game. But there are far too many fs_games already. I have like six autogen.cfg files because Tremulous sees fit to make a new one every time D:
that's what ln -s is for.
Quote from: Asvarox link=topic=8622.msg169333#msg169333
Ok let's plan it out. Asva, you are nub, go sit on rets, I will build, you two go feed like hell, you go pwn their asses, and everyone else camp in the hallway, roger?
the dretch bites.
|..d| #

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Give your mod a game name!
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2011, 07:38:57 pm »
Since this is a problem i purpously made mine into a pk3, with instructions on how to install it.

For those server owners who simply shove the modded qvm in base/vm, don't.
Here's instructions on how to change the mod name:

1. create a folder in ur appdata/trem folder. Name it to [the real mod's name such as [W]onderland or BenMachine etc...]
2. Create another folder within that folder called 'vm'.
3. Shove the qvms in it.
4. When running ur server, before you start it up, don't forget to set 'fs_game' to [what the real mod's name from step 1].

When a client connects, he probably won't download a thing if the mod is simply just qvms, autogen etc., but his computer will create a new folder called [whatever you named the mod's folder], and creates a new autogen.cfg etc. blah blah blah.

That should make the modded servers have different game names.