Pure Vanilla 1.1 gameplay with bots (You'll need to compile the builds):
https://github.com/cmf028/CoW-TremulousMy personal mod (needs an update but I've been busy with exams lately), it's a modified version of the early version of CoW's bots, but they are really advance gameplay-wise but path-wise they're not as smart as the new CoW bots:
https://github.com/ZdrytchX/GPP-1-1/tree/master/build/release-linux-x86/base/vmMy mod has a tendancy of breaking btw, I still haven't found the cause but currently it seems completely random, I haven't found a general trait in it yet.
Additions to the bot AI since forked from CoW:
==Bot configuration edits by me==
-Goon pounces TO human, not ABOVE human.
-Bot Lcannon charges 2.5s rather than original 2 (to suit my mod)
-Bot lcannon uses secondary every now and then, and doesn't charge to 100% all the time
-Bots now don't sit in the same spot when killing a structure when using a painsaw
-Human Bots jump and crouch dodge (FUGEEEEH! They're really good!)
-Alien dretches don't wallwalk permanently anymore, and jump depending on their skill level (1-2 bunnyhop 3-4 nothing 5+ both, including wallwalk)
-Bots now are more interactive (uses /teamstatus, /donate, tells you if he drops or buys a grenade)
-Bots' fake ping is now adjustable by g_bot_ping, and their compensation is adjustable by g_bot_ping_compensate
-Bots now buy and drop nades if they have enough funds to do so, with their probability defined by cvars
-Teamkill Mode makes bots teamkill as well (g_mode_teamkill) (to be changed for g_mode_tk)
-Bots sprint if they have enough stamina in combat, and walk to regen stamina
-PoisonCloud (basilisk gas) disorientates human bot's aim a little, depending on their skill level
-bots classified as AUTO (default) spawn both rifle and ckit, and for aliens, dretches and grangers (if g_bot_granger is on)
-Bots can buy bsuits with the g_bot_bsuit cvar (currently the model isn't being displayed)
-Bots talk occasionally, such as complaining about being drugged by basi gas, taunting, when lost etc.
-Reaction time dependant on cvars, ping and skill level
-Bots chase the same guy for about 3 seconds even if another enemy is blocking the view
-Bots aim ahead to compensate for projectile delays (i.e. Lcannons)
Btw, if you want to know what level suits me in a 1v1 situation from dretch vs rifle bot, he's about level 90. I find anyone higher than level 70 challenging already.