Author Topic: Where did TremZ Go?  (Read 108074 times)


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #90 on: December 05, 2011, 02:47:31 am »
Probably because TremZ is made up of more than one developer.
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #91 on: December 05, 2011, 12:57:11 pm »
The old picasa album has been taken down and we are in the process of putting up a new one with only assets that are planned to be in game. I guess, we felt it was obvious enough which was concept art and which was supposed to be in game (obviously, a bald woman would not be in game, but is actually a WIP). In-game screenshots will be coming up shortly as well, as the engine has neared completion. The picasa album was never meant to be an advertisement of TremZ, but was meant to demonstrate that progress was alive and well. If we wanted an advertisement, we would have released a trailer on Youtube.
Thank you.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #92 on: December 05, 2011, 04:34:55 pm »
Where the pics go?

It says page not found.
Don't just live life with work.
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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #93 on: December 05, 2011, 05:27:59 pm »
Read the posts, buddy... ::)


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #94 on: December 06, 2011, 12:17:20 am »
All these people are raging you where in reality one shouldn't give a shit where the stuff came from, as long as it looks good ingame I'm happy. Why is everyone raging TremZ?
Why is everyone so hyped up about it? It's some three weeks to go and yet there's almost no progress to be seen at all. One can't tell what's stolen, what's concept art, what's way too high-poly to be in the game, what's made with photoshop, etc... only thing that seems to be certain is there's going to be an ugly lipstick dretch and untextured, worse looking alien + human building models than what the current ones are. One nice pulse rifle.

Nobody knows what the game is going to look or be like even a month before a supposed release. Here, let me give you an example, I'm going to try and figure out how a human soldier is going to look in TremZ:

Hmm, they could be going for this ugly-looking hunchback bald-head.

Or perhaps a cartoonish elf-warrior from RPGs of the 90s?

Wow, we're suddenly going for a ninja assassin?

A very odd-faced bald now is it?

Bald women too? Ugh.

This the human? Or is it a battlesuit?

Or are battlesuits going to be replaced with mechas?

Each of the screens are very different and the quality differs a ton, which one(s) are they actually going to use? What can they actually use? What's too high poly for the game?

The way it's handled, there being no actual in-game screenshots of the good stuff, (a lot of bad stuff though: robot goons, the aforomentioned, infamous lipstick dretch, reactor and philh's take on it, which sums it up nicely) no certainty whatsoever what goes in the game, what doesn't, there not being an official list of developers (do they have modellers or are these all borrowed? if, who are they? what kind of previous work have they done?) really makes me wonder why should i be so overjoyed about this project. I believe the only textured model so far I've seen is the lipstick dretch? You have three weeks to texture when the models aren't even done yet, better hurry up.

Now, I'm not against the project, far from it. But please fix things up if you really want everyone to be happy about it, instead of only GeneralScott and you yourself. Give a list of developers, screenshots and information of what's actually going into the game, information about your first release, make an official site with content, make your own forums so you don't have to hi-jack the Tremulous ones and so on, and maybe you'll actually convince people into thinking you're going to make awesome things, instead of kharnov repeatedly just slamming it into your face: "IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME, IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME, IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!" Cool, but how would I or anyone else actually know that?

Such a piss poor way of marketing your game.

-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #95 on: December 06, 2011, 01:24:00 am »
Probably because TremZ is made up of more than one developer.
Can't they just nominate one person to provide the information rather than ten? I don't even know who is part of this project anymore. I think volt has something to do with it though...
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #96 on: December 06, 2011, 01:29:15 am »
Probably because TremZ is made up of more than one developer.
Can't they just nominate one person to provide the information rather than ten? I don't even know who is part of this project anymore. I think volt has something to do with it though...

Kharnov, volt, and I are the main people speaking to the community, since we all have expertise in different areas. For a full list of people involved in the project, we have nice little list right here
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #97 on: December 06, 2011, 01:34:14 am »
Probably because TremZ is made up of more than one developer.
Can't they just nominate one person to provide the information rather than ten? I don't even know who is part of this project anymore. I think volt has something to do with it though...

Kharnov, volt, and I are the main people speaking to the community, since we all have expertise in different areas. For a full list of people involved in the project, we have nice little list right here
I have moral objections to visiting this site you and your acquaintances keep advertising.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #98 on: December 06, 2011, 01:51:00 am »
Because I'm such a nice guy, I'll copy and paste the list for you here:

Code: [Select]

Project head: Volt


Bots: Fuma, `Ishq

Database: db-, HermXIV

Engine: `Ishq, Qrntzz, TheDushan

Rendering: Gimhael


Aliens: Gregstein, Redsky, velociostrich, Josh Melling

Humans: Gregstein, Cron, F1rst19, Iciban

Mapping: Duck, EmperorJack, Volt

Unwrapping: Cron, jm82792


General: Vortexxian, Volt


Background: kharnov

Editing: Erwin_Rommel, The_Medistation
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 02:09:04 am by Celestial_Rage »
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #99 on: December 06, 2011, 02:40:43 am »
I have no morals, I will visit for you CreatureOfHell.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #100 on: December 06, 2011, 04:28:21 am »
what kind of creature from hell are you?
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #101 on: December 06, 2011, 09:46:53 am »
what kind of creature from hell are you?
Maybe I killed him and am now posing as him on the forum.

And thank you `Ishq.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #102 on: December 06, 2011, 01:25:37 pm »
y u guys discuss dis stuff on trem forums instead thar irc channel #tremz ???
i could possibly make a server on windows then switch back to linux and use that same server


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #103 on: December 06, 2011, 03:34:01 pm »
y u guys discuss dis stuff on trem forums instead thar irc channel #tremz ???
Don't just live life with work.
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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #104 on: December 06, 2011, 08:04:28 pm »
No one talks to me on there  :'(
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #105 on: December 06, 2011, 10:15:12 pm »
(07:21:38 PM) vape entered the room.
(07:21:45 PM) vape: HI GUYS
(07:23:39 PM) vape: BYE GUYS
(07:23:45 PM) vape left the room (quit: Client Quit).

You might have more success if you stayed for longer than two minutes.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #106 on: December 07, 2011, 01:38:12 am »
(07:21:38 PM) vape entered the room.
(07:21:45 PM) vape: HI GUYS
(07:23:39 PM) vape: BYE GUYS
(07:23:45 PM) vape left the room (quit: Client Quit).

You might have more success if you stayed for longer than two minutes.
2011-12-06 01:24:27   <vape>       BYE GUYS
2011-12-06 01:24:33   * vape has quit (Client Quit)
2011-12-06 01:24:51   <Kynes>      Hi vape
2011-12-06 01:27:12   <Erwin_Rommel>       Bye vape
2011-12-06 01:27:24   <Kynes>      i didn't want to acknowledge him while he was here
2011-12-06 01:27:48   <Erwin_Rommel>       yes


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #107 on: December 07, 2011, 04:21:09 am »
2011-12-06 01:27:24   <Kynes>      i didn't want to acknowledge him while he was here
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #108 on: December 07, 2011, 12:13:01 pm »
2011-12-06 01:27:24   <Kynes>      i didn't want to acknowledge him while he was here

You make up Qrntz, u always angry, just calmdown. :police:
I am stupid idiot who dares to open mouth and start debating


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #109 on: December 07, 2011, 07:03:27 pm »
People talked with Vape yesterday. His QQing is now invalid.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #110 on: December 07, 2011, 11:55:31 pm »
Thank you for saying that my earlier QQing was valid.
-If you think its a joke, it's like thinking that kicking a dog/shooting someone innocent in the leg is funny.
Meisseli is a dump face ... Telling that gpp have no cheat is like tell that Meisseli mother dont suck cock !!!!


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2011, 04:31:09 pm »
Probably because TremZ is made up of more than one developer.
Can't they just nominate one person to provide the information rather than ten? I don't even know who is part of this project anymore. I think volt has something to do with it though...

Kharnov, volt, and I are the main people speaking to the community, since we all have expertise in different areas. For a full list of people involved in the project, we have nice little list right here

I would like to quote kharnov himself as I was just about to shut up about TremZ when I found this which I really couldn't hold back.

In my new designation as the sole point of contact for these forums regarding TremZ development

And now I will shut up. I hope.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #112 on: December 09, 2011, 04:56:13 pm »
Yeah, that changed as it became clear it would be easier to have people who are knowledgeable about their respective job talk about their job. ;)
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #113 on: December 10, 2011, 07:05:28 am »
why do you guys bother with these DDOS fags? just a bunch of douche bags from europe, nbd. if they dont want to play tremz, fine by me. one less camp happy 200 ping plackypod i have to deal with.

edit: you guys should permaban them when you release the game, trollin'.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 07:08:08 am by StevenM »


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #114 on: December 12, 2011, 08:19:00 pm »
The point of it is just.. Tremz will kill idea of Tremulous 1.2 (which is still making since.. 2009? (beta? sic!))
For me it's good news that something is going on the Tremulous scene.
For sure i will be waiting for Tremz, and fap when it will be ready.
Why Tremz devs get banned? It's obvious..


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #115 on: December 12, 2011, 08:21:11 pm »
No TremZ devs have gotten banned, though I'm glad you're looking forward to TremZ :)
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" ~Mark Twain


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #116 on: December 13, 2011, 10:47:30 am »
Thanks for the support, Ruboco


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #117 on: December 14, 2011, 10:21:31 am »
Thanks for the support, Ruboco

Tremulous 1.2 idea had my support.. 2 years ago?
Now i'm just pointing which idea is better in my opinnion.


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #118 on: January 05, 2012, 08:56:09 am »
It's January already, wheres our beta release?
I thought someone said it was supposed to come out on christmas


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Re: Where did TremZ Go?
« Reply #119 on: January 05, 2012, 12:18:56 pm »
It's January already, wheres our beta release?
I thought someone said it was supposed to come out on christmas

Heard that models need more work...
Currently known deadline is set to end of February. A bit more realistic than in New Year's Eve...