Yep, I tried it yesterday, and the bots were absolutely smarter then the other bots offered by other Qvms.
For the human bots, they don't camp- yet, but they do kick ass. They know how to strafe, move around obstacle and aren't afraid to whip out a blaster if they have low ammo. I tried blocking their path, but they just ignored me, kept moving to the other direction no matter what I did and they continued whatever the hell they were doing. The thing that could easily tell you that they're bots is that the straight way-points makes them move, well, in a straight line and they only move around if something is bothering them. They try to aim for the head, and I don't know if they were careful not to hit each other, because I didn't see alot of tking going on.
As for the aliens, they do try hard to aim for the head, which will fuck you up pretty easily. Especially if 8 rants going head shot-happy on your ass. The basilisk AI was impressive, as it grabbed hold of me, it moved around making it difficult to aim at it properly. As for wall-crawl, I don't remember seeing any of it, because most of the aliens I do remember fighting are rants and goons. Dretches do dodge well, as they try to get behind you and move all over the place.
As far as I noticed, the AI did not run into a single wall like idiots, the only instance I saw hat they got stuck walking is when that small hole near the top ledge of each base in ATCS, as they see enemies below them and think they could squeeze into it as a rant, fat chance. Sex told me many improvements for the next release like how humans will go heal when at 45 Hp and they detect no alien/structure or how he'll try to get humans and aliens build structures on basic locations for now.
I haven't seen smarter Trem bots that could beat this, and it only took Sex about a week, imagine what eh could do in a month. Good job Sex, I'll anticipate your net release, cheers.