When i run the gpp bot, my screen screws up... and trem closes without saying "copy log to clipboard?" or anything and my screen stays in 480/740.
@sleepman: Not all botcommands have been complete. I got a whole bunch of p-bots in 1.1 for me and my friend on a private server. Anyways, the following commands DO work for me:
botcmd lolard#0 regular
botcmd lolard#0 followattack (but for some reason the bot doesn't turn and shoots constantly and kills me a lot with pulse)
botcmd lolard#0 follow idle (but he doesn't turn still)
botcmd lolard#0 standground (just spams while crouching, and sees an aliens just aims at it. Note that when an alien isn't in range, it still shoots, bad thing they often kill my base so i have to do g_friendlybuildablefire 0)
botcmd lolard#0 skill (0 is NOT aimbot, it is doing nothing for me. 1, is not 1 degree per second as the manual says, but still turns pretty slow. My fravourite is aroun 7-8 because alien goons can't spam pounce to kill you, and humans can be ambushed. Use 3 for noobs.)