Author Topic: Lolards mod release  (Read 16412 times)

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Lolards mod release
« on: July 21, 2011, 07:31:46 pm »
Since i was soo obsessed with the phrase 'lolards these days...', i decided to name my mod 'Lolards'.
[There's a big difference between the words lolard and lollard, search 'lollardy' for info on three 'l's lollard.]
_________________________________________________ _____

Edit: A lot of the stuff on this page is outdated. Latest version (unstable) is at
Video Sample:

Old Text:
_________________________________________________ _____
Anyways, here's my mod:

For your notice, this is a 1.1 mod, i'll transfer it to gpp if i can find a way to download the gpp source code.

Instructions are here [copy + paste from another forum]:
Update changes: Fixed turret glitch, turns out the accuracy tolerance didn't o its job, instead it made the turret glitch, so i turned it back down.
Also, there are better kill messages, some with colour, and they also change on the player's gender (/sex female/neither if you want to try)
Also added my credits in the pk3 as well.

Instructions for installation: (since some still didn't understand)
Go to the app support/appdata/roaming/whatever ubuntu's one is.
Go inside the Tremulous folder.
Create a folder, name it 'Lolards'. [mod name]
Shove the pk3 in there.
Delete the last update's pk3.

Instructions for running the mod urself:
Open trem.
Click on mods.
Click on 'Lolards'.
Listen to the music! XD
Open the console with tilde [`/~ key]
Type this:
Code: [Select]
/devmap atcsEnter it.
Open the console for cheats:
/sv_cheats 1 (if it isn't on. Usually /devmap sets this on)
/g_humanstage 2;g_alienstage 2
Join a team, and build, or fight after giving urself some creds:
Code: [Select]
/give funds 9999
Instrucions for dedicated server:
Open the server using ur tremded, and make it online if you wish.
For kdude, he just needs to type 'fs_game "Lolards"', when for the others, type that after you open the tremded console.
After that, type 'map atcs' [no cheats] or 'devmap atcs' [cheats. Discription above.]
For more info on other changes visit the topic i created on kitkat forums (although not all changes are listed there, such as max evos are 13 and max creds are 3000):
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 11:34:35 am by ULTRA Random ViruS »

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 12:15:20 pm »

Changes also on kitkat forums.


  • Posts: 1033
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2011, 03:33:32 pm »
the source code is missing.
what the cockfuck are the __MACOSX directory and .DS_Store files?


  • Posts: 256
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 05:38:12 pm »
the source code is missing.
what the cockfuck are the __MACOSX directory and .DS_Store files?

He must be on mac, Note that the ._file + .DS_Store files you noted are the resource forks of Mac files that automatically get created to the folder from a Mac and these are only visible when you view on a PC/Linux.  

Apple's fault


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 06:36:16 pm »
the source code is missing.
what the cockfuck are the __MACOSX directory and .DS_Store files?

He must be on mac, Note that the ._file + .DS_Store files you noted are the resource forks of Mac files that automatically get created to the folder from a Mac and these are only visible when you view on a PC/Linux.  

Apple's fault
bullshit, noone forced him to use a Mac. furthermore, what's the bet that i would be able to create __MACOSX-free and .DS_Store-free zip archives on a Mac?


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 07:03:18 pm »
the source code is missing.
what the cockfuck are the __MACOSX directory and .DS_Store files?

He must be on mac, Note that the ._file + .DS_Store files you noted are the resource forks of Mac files that automatically get created to the folder from a Mac and these are only visible when you view on a PC/Linux.  

Apple's fault
bullshit, noone forced him to use a Mac.
He's about six, i doubt he had a great deal of choice in the matter.
furthermore, what's the bet that i would be able to create __MACOSX-free and .DS_Store-free zip archives on a Mac?
Presumably you're not some clueless kid, well, that's hard to say for sure, but yes, you may well be able to, he didn't, no need to rage, matey...
my knees by my face and my ass is being hammered

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2011, 11:25:41 am »
the source code is missing.
what the cockfuck are the __MACOSX directory and .DS_Store files?

He must be on mac, Note that the ._file + .DS_Store files you noted are the resource forks of Mac files that automatically get created to the folder from a Mac and these are only visible when you view on a PC/Linux.  

Apple's fault
bullshit, noone forced him to use a Mac. furthermore, what's the bet that i would be able to create __MACOSX-free and .DS_Store-free zip archives on a Mac?

My windows crashed as the hard disk died. And the government gives us aussies as high school students, free-loan macbooks.

But i compiled the qvm on linux, and my ui.qvm, game.qvm and the other one is in the pk3.
I am thinking of adding more models to it.
Also, i can't find where i put the .wav file of my composition so i'm going to compose another piece for the mod.
_________________________________________________ _______


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2011, 03:23:15 pm »
where is the source code? not providing source code for the changes you've made to the modules is a violation of the GNU GPL copyright licenses.
Also, i can't find where i put the .wav file of my composition so i'm going to compose another piece for the mod.
you mean the .wav file that is in Lolards_1.pk3 (which is linked in the first post)?
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 07:58:22 pm by /dev/humancontroller »

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2011, 02:38:13 pm »

omg i'm soo dumb. I didn't think of recovering it that way...

_________________________________________________ ______

EDIT: KitKat forums is down temporarily, so i'm going to post the update here first.

It contains:
Gravity slight modification

Name/Description changes (thanks to /dev/humancontroller {I already knew this file by the time he answered me, but i just fell asleep while looking through the coding and blah blah, long story. Anyways, he reminded me and somewhat helped me find a bug i accidentally put in there, buying a turret from the armoury. I think i posted a screenshot of this on facebook.} and volt {for directing me to the armoury menu and stuff in trunk/base/ui/infopanes.def.h})

Changes to gun max clips, and luci cannon now takes up 30 ammo in 2.8 seconds of charge, doing 355 dmg (any higher will blow up the user).

Changes to some physics on the jetpack, i think (i can't test remember? I asked for tonnes of help but no one answered me so i'm just gonna have to wait till i figure out how to re-partitian my disk without re-utilising it for windows version of trem. It screwed up somehow.) Anyways, the jetpack should be similar to KoRx, only a slow version. Tell me if this does not work. I can't find where the variable for the jetpack's hover/ground max speed.

Lockblob (a.k.a. trapper spit) should do 1 dmg per spit to slowly kill a dumb player, shooting one each time the trap runs out of time. Not sure about the death message, if it crashes the server tell me. (Death by trapper spit?)

Turret repeat rate slowed down, but won't be notice-able. It just changes dmg/second lower.

Knockback on tyrant changed higher so teslas's knockback will effect rants barely.

Zoom enabled on dretch, pulse rifle(/plasma rifle now) (faster bullets) and lasgun. (huh?)

Human buildables now heal like in gpp, only VERY SLOWLY. A dcc (defence control computer) is not required for this. This should encourage adv goons to snipe within a small time frame so they actually can kill a structure instead of one sniping 3 barbs per 1:30 minutes or whenever he wants to snipe again.

Human boundry boxes may have changed or not, and tyrant might be able to duck as an experiment. If it does work, tell me. Also try to shoot the top of the battlesuit, i want to see if it is actually taller than a normal human.

View hight of tyrant and bsuit also changed. Tell me if this works.

I'm not adding the music now, it shows up as 37 days remaining for a 16.6 mg zip file. So i'll do that later and upload my new pk3 here:


New update: Found that lasgun's zoom wasn't enabled, fixed.

Also re-added my music. You know, the one with a time signature of 7–4 at the start?

Link (version 0.5):
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 01:25:09 pm by ULTRA Random ViruS »

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 01:34:42 pm »
Good news, (for now, it may crash) is that my tremulous is working again. All i did is went on steam and use the 'add non-steam game' function. Turns out the steam overlay eats my fps while i play, but hey, at least it works.

Lucifer cannon:
Now that i've tested it, i fixed a few errors such as chaingun's reload time (instant), lucicannon's ammo taken per full charge is still 10, raised to 30. Also, new added feature to the luci, when it is running out of batteries, you can't charge as much, but also as a bonus, you won't blow urself up. ~70 ammo left, is where it starts to take action, and if you have 69 ammo left, just hold the damn button down and release it and you will do almost 355 damage to whatever you hit.
Also, secondary fire is more of a 'direct hit, and efficiant', so when you have less than 6 ammo left in the battery, you can't charge so you're either forced to reload and throw away the battery, OR use the secondary fire.

Secondary fire does more damage, as well as being ammo-efficient, but takes a mini-cooldown.


5 second changing battery (simply known as reload)
200 energy points without battpack (ammo)
uses 30 ammo for full charge
takes 2.8 seconds to fully charge
secondary takes 1. [forgot decimal point] seconds to cool down
secondary takes 1 ammo only as usual
secondary does 122 damage (instant kills normal basi and marauder and anything under those classes (adv has above 122 hp for those classes), and critically damages acid tubes.

Alien Class cost info:

Basi - 1 evo
Adv basi - 3 evos (head-on fighting basi)
Marauder - 2 evos
Adv marauder - 5 evos
goon - 4
adv goon - 6
tyrant - 7

Human upgrades and stuff info:

Lasgun, prifle, and dretch now can 'zoom' to look further.
Painsaw now takes a seperate weapon slot
Chaingun - Reload time fixed
Shotgun - Now called the 'reverse pump shotgun' as the reload is taken forward, then back to reload, using recoil to get the first action done, then pull back to finish loading. You could call it a semi-semi-automatic.
Shotgun now can kill ANYTHING in one 'clip'. But you must be very close. It can be overpowering, but has a put-back as a reload time of 6 seconds 'to make it realistic' as a real shotgun is a real pain in the ass to reload.
Grenade costs 600 creds to stop nade spammers and since they are like 'mini nukes' as they do more damage as well as a big area.

-most of the expensive guns now cost more-
Jetpack now isn't soo fast that a insectoids or whatever they're called that come form hives should be able to catch up.



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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 07:54:10 pm »
have i mentioned that you are violating copyright?


  • Posts: 467
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 07:59:37 pm »
he does not need to bundle the source code with the mod or give a download link.
if you email/pm him and request the source code he should provide you the code.
note that, he can wait till you sue him before giving you the source code :P


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 09:58:37 pm »
if i remember my GPL, i recall it saying that you must make the source available.  i do not think it specified that it must be distributed with the built package.  available on request is still available.

see GPL sections 6, b and c.

next time, request the source before you accuse someone of violating copyright.  then, if the source is not provided, you can then claim copyright violation with no questions.
Note 4: The best, although not always easiest, way to deal with trolls is thus: do not respond at ALL in the thread.
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4.) No spamming or advertising (includes useless multi-posts and bumps.)
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2011, 10:31:03 pm »
he does not need to bundle the source code with the mod or give a download link.
if you email/pm him and request the source code he should provide you the code.
note that, he can wait till you sue him before giving you the source code :P
from a legal point of view, he must give us the source code.
from a what-one-can-get-away-with point of view, he could resist giving out the source code, just as much as i could shove an axe up his ass upon a silent night.


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2011, 10:47:52 pm »
if i remember my GPL, i recall it saying that you must make the source available.  i do not think it specified that it must be distributed with the built package.  available on request is still available.
allow me to clear things up:
3.  You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
the distributed QVMs have not been accompanied with the source code or any offer to distribute on request.
furthermore, the QVM distributor has silently ignored my prompts to do something about the source code.
see GPL sections 6, b and c.
no such sections in GPLv2. you have mixed-up two licenses.
next time, request the source before you accuse someone of violating copyright.
do you mean like i've done 3 times in this thread already?


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2011, 01:47:21 am »
you have not requested it, you stated that it was missing, then starting bringing up copyright.  that is in no way requesting a copy of the source.  a request would somehow express your desire to possess something, not a statement that it is absent.

i did not look at 2, but i did 1 and 3.  i couldent seem to find the file where tremulous has its copyright info stored.  you did, however quote the first of the relevant sections.

correct me if i am wrong, but is tremulous not accompanied by the source code?  you can still download it, yes, but it is not included in the standard executable download, yes?  i assume somewhere in the files trem installed on my system is a text file containing instructions on where to get the source.

would not a text file with instructions to email a certain address for the source be in compliance with subsection b?  i assume it would, as the majority of GPL software i have used in the past has not included the source code in the default executable/object download - it is always available for download separately, and the readme contains information about where to get the source (if not the help and man pages, as well.)
Note 4: The best, although not always easiest, way to deal with trolls is thus: do not respond at ALL in the thread.
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4.) No spamming or advertising (includes useless multi-posts and bumps.)
6b.) Do NOT harass other members.
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2011, 05:22:24 am »
you have not requested it, you stated that it was missing, then starting bringing up copyright.  that is in no way requesting a copy of the source.  a request would somehow express your desire to possess something, not a statement that it is absent.
the statement of
the source code is missing.
is a perfect prompt to comply with the GPL licensing, as the modder should be aware of the GPLed distribution of the code. the question of
where is the source code?
is a perfect request to post the source code. the statement of
not providing source code for the changes you've made to the modules is a violation of the GNU GPL copyright licenses.
educates a possibly misconcepted person; ignorance of this statement displays intentional violation of copyright.
furthermore, i am not even required to ask for the source code. the distributor must provide the source code or a method to get the source code. on top of that, he has been clearly notified.

i did not look at 2, but i did 1 and 3.  i couldent seem to find the file where tremulous has its copyright info stored.  you did, however quote the first of the relevant sections.

correct me if i am wrong, but is tremulous not accompanied by the source code?  you can still download it, yes, but it is not included in the standard executable download, yes?  i assume somewhere in the files trem installed on my system is a text file containing instructions on where to get the source.

would not a text file with instructions to email a certain address for the source be in compliance with subsection b?  i assume it would, as the majority of GPL software i have used in the past has not included the source code in the default executable/object download - it is always available for download separately, and the readme contains information about where to get the source (if not the help and man pages, as well.)
the Tremulous package that you have probably already downloaded contains:
  • the Tremulous executable and assets,
  • a text file (COPYING) describing the licenses that encumber the distribution,
  • text files (CC and GPL) with full descriptions of the CC BY-SA 2.5 and GPLv2 licenses, and
  • the source code package of Tremulous (tremulous-1.1.0-src.tar.gz), in which
    • almost every file contains a notification about the fact that the source code is licensed under the GPLv2+, and
    • there is another copy of the full GPLv2 license text.


  • Posts: 467
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2011, 10:01:18 am »
I didn't download it.

If he included the GPL text, then it is considered an offer.
E-mail or PM him and request source code
If he keeps ignoring.
a) report him
b) delete this post and continue your life

If he did not include the GPL text, then it is considered a crime.
Warn him with e-mail or PM, a request a re-release with the GPL text and the source code
If he keeps ignoring.
a) report him
b) delete this post and continue your life

Any way, IMHO it is stupid to release your mod without source code.
1) Your code is not that special and it is nothing compared to id's (and ioq3 devs') code. Yet they released it to public
2) People will consider you and your mod a joke since you don't even care about proper distribution of your mod
3) It might sound silly, but, you can lose the source code. Then you are screwed

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2011, 10:30:02 am »
what's soo great about the source code? Besides, i don't think i remember any mods i downloaded containing the GPL. Anywas, here's the source code, it won't contain the music because it is purely mine, i originally composed it for a animated series that i made, but it won't be published because when i compare it to others, i reckon it sux.

Also, you might see a shitloads of //s in certain files, they are usually either a reminder that only i can remember, the default setting (not shown always), and/or the description.


i just remembered, i forgot to add the 'makefile' file to the zip. If you guys want it, I haven't edited it at all, and it should be the same as the one on or however you spell the title. (i can't remember)

Here's the source code:

Have fun, it took me 3 hours to upload it due to slow internet.


  • Posts: 467
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2011, 10:54:50 am »
13MB? lol
You could just release the source code files
release a diff and mention the revision you used to create it.

Anyway thank you for respecting GPL

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2011, 10:51:52 am »
13MB? lol
You could just release the source code files
release a diff and mention the revision you used to create it.
Probably the tremulous icon I probably must've shoved it in the zip instead of something else. the rest is just coding and more codes, it shouldn't take much space.


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2011, 05:22:34 pm »
here are some tips:
  • do not include any .svn directories,
  • do not include the build directory,
  • do not include the cockfucking __MACOSX crap, and
  • instead of ZIP, use a more modern compression algorithm/format, like XZ.

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2011, 01:19:30 am »
here are some tips:
  • do not include any .svn directories,
  • do not include the build directory,
I didn't.
  • do not include the cockfucking __MACOSX crap, and
Sorry. It didn't come to mind.
  • instead of ZIP, use a more modern compression algorithm/format, like XZ.
Don't have. Never heard of.


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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2011, 02:58:40 am »
Let's troll /dev/humancontroller every now and then by editing his quotes!
  • do not include any .svn directories,
  • do not include the build directory,
I didn't.
you did. here is a list of files/directories that you have included in the archive, but shouldn't have:
Code: [Select]
(i did not list whole trees.) there are also some other files which can be excluded, but it doesn't hurt a lot to include them.
  • instead of ZIP, use a more modern compression algorithm/format, like XZ.
Don't have.
we'll see! (in a terminal) change to the directory containing the Makefile, and execute the following commands:
Code: [Select]
gmake clean
tar -cvf - --exclude='\.svn' -- CC COPYING GPL Makefile src ui | xz > loltard-src.txz
if the first command doesn't work, then try make instead of gmake:
Code: [Select]
make clean
if the second command doesn't work (because you may have no XZ tools installed), then try compressing with BZIP2:
Code: [Select]
tar -cvf - --exclude='\.svn' -- CC COPYING GPL Makefile src ui | bzip2 -9 > loltard-src.tbz
a .txz (or .tbz) compressed archive will appear.
its size will be less than 3MiB.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 03:34:21 am by /dev/humancontroller »

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2011, 04:30:12 pm »
meh, ill update the source code later. I'm in the middle of the two exam weeks. Got maths next. Done exams. School holidays! Woot!


New hidden class for aliens (no models required, you'll see) costing 9 evos. Apparently tyrant is recognised as a upgrade so if you're a tyrant you need 4 evos to evolve to it. (Tyrant in this mod is 7 evos due to its large health)
Trapper now can kill, but not efficient as it misses if the human is running and has negative knockback. If it misses, it will explode and damage whatever around its landing spot.
Luci now has halve splash damage, but keeps knockback. It also is slightly more powerful head-on and now you can lucijump back into base in one click with the secondary. (you need to jump as well otherwise you will just fly up a few units) Also, secondary is compressed and a efficient way to kill
pulse stronger
las stronger, but mathematically weaker as it swapped prices with shotgun
shotgun is now a semi-semi-automatic (i think i already have said this update, not sure but yeah) and is troublesome to reload (for realism. I still can't shorten the reload time depending on how many capsules in the gun left as i don't know the full variable name and know where to type it up)
Mass driver is now not useless and deadly to oneself againts dretches, but i might decrease its firepower as well if its too strong
Rifle - Weaker, but rapid as people didn't like the strong, but sluggish rifle
Hive - negative knockback so it 'brings you back in'
Tyrant heal rate modded (now 17hp/second with healmod, and cannot [still, trying to fix this] be fastened by booster). Also, its healing aura is now really x1.5.
Tyrant and goon's special dmg are decreased
Dretch now bites almost every structure, but damage multiplier has decreased from 0.5 to 0.2
Alien Barbs are now explosive like gpp's goon barb
Lasgun now has a mini-spread as it is now cheap
chaingun more accurate
Tyrant's viewing height increased to match (or get close) to gpp's value
Dragoon's slow-walk bug fixed from normal tremulous (not sure if anyone notice it, but to do it you hold pounce, walk and jump at the same time.) by giving the dragoon walljumping capabilities.
Human's jump stamina-take matches HUD. (3 blocks, 4 jumps. -1 block per jump, and when no blocks left, you can jump again but you will get tired. Previously it was 3 jumps, but -1.5 blocks per jump.)
ADV-marauder is faster.
Turrets are disadvantaged close-range. A defence control computer will fix it! (makes the dcc valuable for once)
Reactor damage decreased to make the rc still hop-able.
Overmind is now deadly. But if you manage to jump behind the om, you might kill it.
Medikit is now slower to start, but heals 1,8 times more unless you hit max hp first. It is also purchasable from armoury.
Grenade is now more powerful enough just to barely kill an egg.

Blaster uses ammo but is more powerful.
Rifle, painsaw, grenade, battpack and jetpack now take up one slot. That means you can now use a rifle as a secondary weapon, but require a luci for explosive damage up high.
Some weapons have splash damage. (I think i got a little too carried away with them, but they do almost no damage anyways. Blaster - 3 Pulse 8 Grangerspit - 3 Flamer - 6 (half of direct hit) Luci - ¿(forgot but is half of direct hit)?
I'm planning on making Mass Driver explosive as well. Then i can bring back the ol' sniper from first qvm version! (135 dmg per 3 seconds)

Bugs: Granger build menu. Its blank. But a normal granger still has its menu even at s3. I don't know what happened to it. I will update the source code later to see if you can find where i did wrong. Also the deconstruct bug (not mensioned here) turned out to be a mark-and-replace type deconning. My client's buildable health isn't showing so i didn't know.

End of school holidays...  i spent most of my miserable time merging qvms with Fuma's CoW bot code. Turns out this was a good thing because i actually recovered the advgranger builder menu.

Anyways, this time i wont give qvm cause ill just update my source code from now on. If the /build menu is there, there will be a qvm in it in base/vm.

Link = Lolards qvm * doesn't work.../can't upload... ubuntu says 'Code already up-to-date'. Its not. I know that page is empty, so don't bother about using that link. Use this one:

Changes: Goon now has a bomb instead of snipe, but it still can be used as a snipe thought it requires some skill to actually throw it. You have to use inertia.
...its pounce and bite rate has been increased back to default value, and pounce damage has been decreased. But in return, there's massive knockback. [i can't find the knockback multiplier anywhere, sorry. In the 1.1 changelog it says it had tripple knockback, but in the source code is says knockback has been cancelled... now that i enabled knockback it keeps its x3 multiplier i think]

Basi - swipe repeat back to normal;adv basi health decreased

Pulse rifle - bounces off walls *too overpowered, i cancelled this
...also stronger, but fires slower.

Shotgun - Weaker as it kills goons to easily. Especially the bots. [see below]

Vampire Mode - Attack to heal. What you gain and hp you lose when ur over-charged is proportional to your hp. I can't stop the pain noises when you lose ur extra hp though X(
....also you have to 'dodge' the turrets otherwise you'd have a hard time killing them. - I'm trying to fix this as the healing multiplier doesn't work for structures...
... recent bugfix: human and alien ghost ressurection fixed. [wait... i never uploaded the qvm with the bug here... so you're like "what?!?" :P] - Credits go to Volt for giving me a massive tutorial pack on understanding the Q3 engine... thx!

MGturrets now rely on DCC for turning faster.
... then you'd have to snipe or zap.

ADVMarauder Zap - weakened, but still effective. You only need one zap on a naked human to kill them. It will just be painful to wait 3 seconds for that to happen though :D
....there's a glitch where sometimes it doesn't suck hp from enemies... i'm planning on removing vampire mode alltogether and implant it only for marauder zap and CKIT (if i can get it to work by doing little damage to aliens...)

Cades now more stronger than ever;they have 800 hp instead of 600 to deal with luci spammers. I might decrease it back down to 600 though.

Tubes are now harder to kill, but suprisingly extremely easy to kill from a distance due to the vampire effect. I'm trying to get rid of this vampire effect on buildables, or put a repeat rate on it somehow...

Hidden alien class - weaker and more useless than ever! [erm... why?!? Cause its overpowered!]

==CoW|BOTS v2.0 ADDED! [it took me whole holiday of two weeks to merge my qvm... be greatful. All credits goes to Fuma for his bot code.]==
-Goon bot AI in terms of pouncing is more accurate; it used to jump over people's heads and miss
-Luci has a longer charge [to deal with the merge anyways, this is normal] but experiances some blow-ups
-Human hidden weapon added to bot's buy list [see for urself... try sharing a bot who already has armour on 3000 creds]
-Human bot buys expensive weapons that included battpack in their price over non-battpack weapons [e.g. you know how MD + batt cost 450, it never gets bought, so i swapped those around, same goes with some others...]
-Anti-Haxor type aiming... it looks more of a chaingun recoil though, but it isn't that bad. The higher the bot skill level [when you do !bot add [name] [team] [level]] the less recoil it gets. So, 0 would be quite inaccurate, but not totally.
-Human bot Pulse rifle is kinda strong, so i'd lead them away from the base and avoid getting in combat with em.
-Human shotguns pwn. You'd keep away from those as well... unless ur a tyrant or a dretch - dretches are small targets and are too fast for bots to handle without automatic weapons.

As usual, tonnes more changes.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 03:29:33 pm by ULTRA Random ViruS »

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2012, 11:49:43 am »
I've done quite a number of bugfixes.
The repo can be found at
I've removed the permanent vampire mode, it got to bias towards pros.

ULTRA Random ViruS

  • Posts: 924
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Re: Lolards mod release
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2012, 01:21:54 pm »
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