Author Topic: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)  (Read 103018 times)


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2011, 12:57:53 am »
Honestly, the work being done here looks great. Keep up the good work, etc etc. It really looks like this is going somewhere.
Best wishes.
Quote from: Sir|Periculosus
yes yes spam a little more and heyll understand! yes yes
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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2011, 01:07:18 am »
Activity on #tremulous: connect, disconnect, connect, disconnect, "hi fleurka", disconnect, connect.
Activity on #tremulous-dev: connect, disconnect, connect, disconnect, chanserv has given operator status to ____, disconnect, connect.
Activity on the private TremZ development channel: constant discussion of new models, new gameplay ideas, exciting ways to take the game to its limits, a very lively energy to everything.

Sorry, but I care little for the cargo cult of Stannum. He comes by, drops off a teaser screenshot, disappears for another few months while everyone salivates for years and years over something that will never come before the community dies. I don't mean to offend his talents as an artist, and I understand that he's probably very busy IRL, but that doesn't cut it. I do think that Stannum is a good artist, and I'd love to see more of his material in the future, but I don't believe he's accomplishing his task at anything approaching a reasonable pace.

To give you an example, here's something that we have accomplished in a single day, a new marauder. All it needs is a texture slapped on it.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 01:13:44 am by kharnov »


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2011, 01:42:00 am »
Some people need to stop clinging to their baby when it's about to grow up.

I'm an admin on Xservers and AA and I do confirm the fact that this project has been well received by
our communities.

The amount of work done in the amount of time proves that this project is doable and the number of players supporting the project assures a player base.

All I see is a good future for this project, heck I'm even thinking about implicating myself (even though my skills for modelling and developing are not up to that).
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:55:20 am by Darkgusgus »


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2011, 01:44:54 am »
Those trolling this topic are just too attached to their little baby, who is about to get grown up.

I'd like to alter your analogy, if you don't mind. The "little baby" these people cling to is, in fact, a senior citizen, who is about to pass away.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2011, 01:54:11 am »
Tremz isn't even yet finished and allready, the flamers come. Cmon guys be open minded. Am looking at the pics and it seems pretty good, I'd be pretty happy to try a new tremulous. Mabey tremulous will revive and we will actually have more than 5 clans.

I can't wait to play! :laugh:
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 01:58:50 am by Twizzel »


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2011, 02:07:27 am »
Omg hawtness.

A quick thing about the blaster ( Atleast that's what I presume this is )

The blaster seems to be rotated a bit to where he's holding it at a slant. Perhaps this was just because the time the screenshot was taken as the animation was going and caught it at a funny frame., but that's just my nitpick.

One question about aliens: Are you planning to incorporate chompers on them when you view them in first person too?

Otherwise, I'm definitely looking forward to this. The new HUD is orgasmic and the weapon models make me fuzzly on the inside when I look at them. It's about time something new and fresh came along, there hasn't  been anything this awesome in Trem for like..never.

Anyways, good luck and I'll be checking the devs shots everyday until New Years!  :D
i could possibly make a server on windows then switch back to linux and use that same server


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2011, 02:33:34 am »
To All of you who are trying to take this project down:

What the fuck has gotten into your heads?  When people come here and give suggestions for mods, you tell them to code it themselves.  When they do, you flame their ass until they leave.  No wonder this game has no players anymore;  It's because most people don't want to tolerate your bullshit.  The game is not being killed off because of the devs or the lack of work being done on the game, it's being killed off because of people here taking out their mental instabilities in real life both on these forums and ingame.  There are plenty of games older than trem that are still played plenty.  For example, CoD2, released almost a year before trem, and even with a new CoD game being released every year, it's still played.  

You people are fucking terrible.  2 months into development, we have more shit than Tremulous has been able to churn out in half a decade, and you're already flaming?  There have been countless threads saying:

"Hey guys, lets put trem on a modern engine, it might start being played again"

to which you guys say

"If you want that, go code it yourself, noob."

And then, when somebody actually steps up to the plate, and does something, _this_ is the response?  


If you can show me one example of anyone in this community getting as much as we have done in such a short time then please reply back and post that right now. If not respect that old golden rule "If you have nothing good to say then don't say anything at all."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 02:35:06 am by c4 »
eh, i prefer chat better than this. NO download and its LIVE!
 :basilisk: FTW![wiki]basilisk[/wiki]


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2011, 03:03:50 am »
I don't know when it happened, but these forums use to be a place where ideas weren't shot down where people helped each other and encouraged each other. That seems to have changed, it's very apparent now that regardless of what the community wants "More development" they tend to chase away people who try to better the game. Here's a few good examples

Amaneiu Smartest kid I've ever seen, came into this community with a bunch of ideas and actually went and coded them. He helped started tremfusion which produced a really amazing client and some really cool features. The community chased him away and Urban Terror picked him up and now he's on their offical dev team adding all sorts of cool features.

Forqur3 Someone who use to enjoy modding and doing fun stuff to this game, they trolled his tremx into oblivion. Honestly I didn't see what was wrong with it, he made a mod added new stuff and gave it another name yet people flamed it constantly without even giving it a chance. Now he has completely given up on this game and dishes out that same medicine that was given to him while he actually gave two fucks about this game. He has become and is the #2 troll on these forums.

Paradox someone who was great at producing art and coding, but was chased away by trolls. Luckily I was able to work with him before he left and he gave me all the psd files to the stuff he was working on, which if you cannot tell is now working ingame. Radial menus working, His serverScreen concept working, His other concepts working His sql patch working.

Jex yea here's a good example someone who produced assets for the new Hud that is currently not being touched.  Have any of the coders/developers actually tried getting his stuff to work? Has anyone even tried using his chargeBar assets instead of the ugly ones in GPP now? Is there any roadmap of getting Jex's 1.2 hud concept to work? I doubt it, no problem I'll integrate it into tremz this is opensource after all.

Log from irc, TL:DR "Someone who is an animator/modeler wanting to help with the development of tremulous"
Judging by his Site  you can tell he's a very skilled modeler. How the hell does the community let someone like him just slip away? The official development team has what 1artist stannum and you're telling me you guys let this guy just slip away? where the hell is are the people in charge of the community "Khalsha,Ingar" how do you allow someone with this kind of skill to slip through?
Code: [Select]
<Iciban> hey is any of the admins here?
<philh> Iciban, why?
<Iciban> i have a question regarding a job
<philh> a job?
<philh> what kind of admin are you after, not a server admin, i take it?
<Iciban> ya, like...
<Iciban> programmer
<Iciban> animator
<Iciban> modeler
<Iciban> who ever is in charge
<Iciban> do u know who i can contact?
<Who-[Soup]> khalsa timbo or lakitu would be a good start
<Iciban> alrigth thanks
<Iciban> do they have like an email
<Iciban> ?
<Iciban> ?
<Who-[Soup]> you can pm them on here or on the forums
<Who-[Soup]> that's probably the easiest way
<Iciban> i see
<Iciban> thanks
<Iciban> is there a way to see all the admins names?
<Iciban> so it makes it easier to find them?
<Who-[Soup]> admins where?
<Iciban> like
<Iciban> khalsa
<Iciban> timbo
<Who-[Soup]> not sure

Anyways there's a pattern here, this community has created a Paradox. They want active development, but they also chase away anyone wanting to help in that respect. I will be shooting that Iciban a friendly email because I will not let talent like that slip away, someone who is that good and willing to help should be given a chance.

Edit: Sent him an email and he replied, he was thankful that someone talked to him. He will be helping with modeling and some animation with tremz. -updated 9/18/2011

In conclusion I think some of you need to greatly rethink how you carry yourself on these forums, you've chased away enough talent away from this game. Before you bash this project any further ask yourselves a very important question which is "Do I want a active community that develops shinny new things and keeps this game alive? or Do i want this game to endup like gloom with only 3-5 players on at any given time?"

Also if you didn't know Active Players <200 for a long time now we are in the final days of this game, it's either we act now or watch our game die.

And here is some positive encouragement that has kept this project going

From my friends from Down Under
Quote from: Khaoz  link=topic=xxx date=xxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 12:42 AM
I came....
Looks very nice

Quote from: Drifter  link=topic=xxx date=xxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 12:54 AM
Looks the sex. Can't wait for it to be released

Quote from: .Minimum  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 01:25 AM
Its the real volt. woo.

Looks very amazing, very fluid, very modern. Would fit in Crysis.

(Speaking of Crysis, you can't make the hud wobble when you turn, like in Crysis? I can find a vid if you haven't played it)

Quote from: Falcon  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 01:26 AM
Hey Volt, loved your HUDs. :)
This one's looking sexy as.

Quote from:  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 02:00 AM
They need people like you on the dev team. This looks sex. Ill be downloading it as soon as its available.

Quote from:   Dan  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 03:08 AM
Awesome hud!
I've never changed mine in my 6+ years of tremming, I'll be sure to do so once yours in out.

Quote from: Pwnage  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 08:34 PM
Hello Volt!

This looks really great!

Edit: Geo, you are lulz.

Quote from: .Minimum  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 25 June 2011 - 08:46 PM
I like the Pulse Rifle.

Quote from: jimzombie  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 03 July 2011 - 06:54 AM
Drifter said:
Looks the sex. Can't wait for it to be released

WOW that looks awesome, thanks for sharing :>

Quote from: Irfan*  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 04 July 2011 - 09:11 PM
pff.. i can do better...

lol jokes nice HUD BRO can you show me how you made it!! :)

anyway i use default.. cbf changing lol

Quote from:  jimzombie  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 04 September 2011 - 01:24 AM
These look pritty sweet, dretch looks a little scary now more like a spider 0.o alot less cute :/

Quote from: Forty-Two  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 04 September 2011 - 04:37 PM
The dretch looks a bit too... clean for my liking.
But apart from that, sure!

Quote from: Pwnage  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 04 September 2011 - 05:52 PM
I just checked out your album and looks cool.
Only thing I need to ask though: The helmet pictures where it has some 'film' grain overlaying it, is that from being low HP or just a static pic.
Might be a bit annoying as a static picture all the time.

Also, i hope you're working with the Trem devs and that this is 1.2.

Quote from: Khaoz  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 04 September 2011 - 06:00 PM
Checked out the album. I like the model dretch not the coloured in one (looks like it's got red lipstick).

Also I think that the 'neoaliens' are far too different, they are starting to look too insect-like. Other than that the rest looks awesome.

Quote from: Falcon  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 08 September 2011 - 06:17 PM
New buildables look sweet as.

Quote from:  Leighrex  link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Posted 12 September 2011 - 01:58 AM
It all looks hot.
I'll come back to Tremulous once I see some changes :3

From my friends @ XserverX community

Quote from: commander scrooge    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
I love the new gun graphics, although on the pulse rifle it looks like you need to change the pose of the human, since it does split his forearm down the middle. Is the first picture what you plan to make the default human look like?

Also, the HUD looks a bit cluttered, in the full release will there be an option to use a less-cluttered HUD?

Quote from: admin    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
RE: Screenshots of the mod i'm working on
Im all jelly just now

Quote from: JudgeHershey    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Awesome!!! Incredible!!! The hud is cluttered there. The goggles feel is not pleasant. Maybe put it only on the very edges and very small.

And the spider.... looks like a spider. I would expect something more like the newer Lost in Space movie-like spider. Those actually looked menacing.

Quote from: InDeX    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Nias I want it lawl, I just think that the hummies menu is a little large but other than that i love it

edit:Yea I know IDK why though probably just not used to seeing a big circular menu like that for weapons . I still think its awesome though :>
*edit o wait thats the armory menu >.< ( I feel like an idiot)
Quote from: DeathReaper    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Wow thats bad ass!!!

Quote from: Steven 0049    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
HOLY S***!!!! I LOVE IT SOOOOO MUCH! Thats the 1.2 version right? I LOVE IT!!!! Can you actually have the 1.1 and 1.2 version at the same time and be able to choose from both which one you want to play? I want both!!!
Quote from: HermXIV    link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Nice work Volt.

@Steven, it is volt HUD 1.2, but for 1.1.

Look at the server list.

From my friends at AA(usa)
Quote from: Vizzy link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Flawless bro I love them.
Quote from: TimeMan link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Quote from: LuckyCharms link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
I swear my pants were blue before I checked this thread out, now they're white!  
Quote from: Bah! link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Impressive stuff. I especially like the skinny, spidery dretches.

Quote from: Vizzy link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Now you know you have to bring these Huds out now damn i love em
Quote from: Darc link=topic=xxxx date=xxxxx
Yeah, they definitely look really nice, would be much cooler to fight those than the meaty ones that are in the game by default.
I wasn't a huge fan of the guns, looks too... Not sure "Bulky" is the right word... But they seem to maybe take too much space, maybe it's just me though.
I love the view as if you're looking through your helmet glass, looks amazing.
All in all, great work, wondering what the exact look for the other aliens will be, but not like it's really important, it's awesome so far.
Loved the armor top and bottom for humans I guess? Picture #198. Looked pretty bad-ass.
Really good job.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 01:54:13 pm by Volt »


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2011, 03:16:01 am »
When I went and posted similar topics onto "aa's,AussieAssult,XserverX," Communities i got positive feedback, why the hell is the main forums so against any change that isn't from one of the "So called official developers"?
You do realise that those enthusiastic groups are the ones who cry "Yes, make the tyrant explode and fire laser atom bombs from its eyes, also give it wings!!", is it any surprise that they're jumping up and down almost incontinent with excitement the moment anyone posts any kind of mod?
We may not be quite as excitable but I for one am certainly not against your mod, if anything i'm just sad that you don't feel there's any way to realise optimus' concepts with the existing engine.
please leave your negative comments for the trash-bin. 
I really don't think anyone's comments have been intended as purely negative, a couple of us are curious about the origins of the awesome player models and the reasons for not using them, you're not being trolled, i'm sure some of your modellers are good but the two models we picked on are of remarkable quality, and the skins are lovely too, that's the reason it seems so strange that you'd discard them, your reluctance to mention the identity of the artists involved also feels just a little odd. Will you at least stick the models and textures up somewhere for those community modellers not involved in tremz to have a play with(i've no idea if nux would be interested but it seemed like he might be)?

C4, fuck off, seriously, don't attempt to stir up additional trouble, i'm sure we all wish volt and his team every success, we just happen to have a couple of concerns here and there, it's really nothing major and there are certainly no trolling or takedown attempts to be seen.
my knees by my face and my ass is being hammered


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2011, 03:22:52 am »
All I see is a competent developer who's near to the community post something about a neat-looking mod he's working on, and a few people giving some positive feedback. Nobody is "taking anything down". Nobody is being negative, even.
So, I might as well play the part. Just kidding. This whole thing looks amazing, but until there's a final product, I'm still a bit skeptical.
Volt, please listen to any feedback anyone has, some of it seems useful. And if you need any help with the whole thing (music, maybe?) in some way, holla at me.

ok, can you give me the tool thingy app that can code?


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2011, 03:28:48 am »
When I went and posted similar topics onto "aa's,AussieAssult,XserverX," Communities i got positive feedback, why the hell is the main forums so against any change that isn't from one of the "So called official developers"?
You do realise that those enthusiastic groups are the ones who cry "Yes, make the tyrant explode and fire laser atom bombs from its eyes, also give it wings!!", is it any surprise that they're jumping up and down almost incontinent with excitement the moment anyone posts any kind of mod?
We may not be quite as excitable but I for one am certainly not against your mod, if anything i'm just sad that you don't feel there's any way to realise optimus' concepts with the existing engine.
please leave your negative comments for the trash-bin.  
I really don't think anyone's comments have been intended as purely negative, a couple of us are curious about the origins of the awesome player models and the reasons for not using them, you're not being trolled, i'm sure some of your modellers are good but the two models we picked on are of remarkable quality, and the skins are lovely too, that's the reason it seems so strange that you'd discard them, your reluctance to mention the identity of the artists involved also feels just a little odd. Will you at least stick the models and textures up somewhere for those community modellers not involved in tremz to have a play with(i've no idea if nux would be interested but it seemed like he might be)?

C4, fuck off, seriously, don't attempt to stir up additional trouble, i'm sure we all wish volt and his team every success, we just happen to have a couple of concerns here and there, it's really nothing major and there are certainly no trolling or takedown attempts to be seen.

This pretty much sums you up:

<your_face> tremulant has a quick tongue
<your_face> but with nothing logical
eh, i prefer chat better than this. NO download and its LIVE!
 :basilisk: FTW![wiki]basilisk[/wiki]

your face

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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2011, 03:34:38 am »
o gee thanks for using that quote

tremulant you're a cool fish
spam spam spam, waste waste waste!


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2011, 03:35:52 am »
We may not be quite as excitable but I for one am certainly not against your mod, if anything i'm just sad that you don't feel there's any way to realise optimus' concepts with the existing engine.
The goon,Rant,New class under rant are being based on optimus's work. When Optimus has more time irl he said he'd submit more concept art for us to use.
I really don't think anyone's comments have been intended as purely negative, a couple of us are curious about the origins of the awesome player models and the reasons for not using them, you're not being trolled, i'm sure some of your modellers are good but the two models we picked on are of remarkable quality, and the skins are lovely too, that's the reason it seems so strange that you'd discard them, your reluctance to mention the identity of the artists involved also feels just a little odd. Will you at least stick the models and textures up somewhere for those community modellers not involved in tremz to have a play with(i've no idea if nux would be interested but it seemed like he might be)?

C4, fuck off, seriously, don't attempt to stir up additional trouble, i'm sure we all wish volt and his team every success, we just happen to have a couple of concerns here and there, it's really nothing major and there are certainly no trolling or takedown attempts to be seen.

The models all of them, that we're not using will be put up on on and and excess assets and psd files will make it there as well. The artist for those two models can be found somewhere on thats where i obtained them after sending some pm's I'd have to dig at my email for their handles but you can narrow the search down by using "UDK" "Solider model" ect..  Those models are great but  they need too much work to get put into this engine, I've seen Nux's attempt but his model isn't segmented when you get into actually getting that thing segmented cutting it up then animating things get hard. So we chose to just discard them. The reason they have not been removed from album is because they are apart of development, and someday in the future people will want to see the early stages of development and the different concepts we ran through. Again that album has "Random Development shots" different things we've tried, different ideas we've considered.  


In retrospect I thought I'd Apologize to Nux,Tremulant, and anyone else who I thought was flaming.

Powa gave me an analogy that helped me see things differently :P
Code: [Select]
Powa: it's like you're building a hut, and you spent a lot of work into it, but you know it's far from finished
Powa: it's missing an entire wall even
Powa: and someone is like
Powa: where is the wall?
Powa: and instead of saying
Powa: "Oh it's a work in progress the wall is planned for tomorrow"
Powa: you say "fuck you asshole I have 14 people I can build a good damn wall"

I got defensive and thought people were attacking the quality of work my modelers were producing but they weren't. Anyways I hope we can put that behind us and get back ontopic.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:57:41 am by Volt »


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2011, 06:41:32 am »
Omg hawtness.

A quick thing about the blaster ( Atleast that's what I presume this is )

The blaster seems to be rotated a bit to where he's holding it at a slant. Perhaps this was just because the time the screenshot was taken as the animation was going and caught it at a funny frame., but that's just my nitpick.

One question about aliens: Are you planning to incorporate chompers on them when you view them in first person too?

Otherwise, I'm definitely looking forward to this. The new HUD is orgasmic and the weapon models make me fuzzly on the inside when I look at them. It's about time something new and fresh came along, there hasn't  been anything this awesome in Trem for like..never.

Anyways, good luck and I'll be checking the devs shots everyday until New Years!  :D
Well Creative thats the Psaw actually
The blaster is more placed like in normal fps games played today...
O forgot to post new shots ingame of new position,,,   


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2011, 07:17:15 am »
There you go-   

Uploaded with


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2011, 09:18:42 am »
Good for you Volt for posting this on here.  It shows a large amount of faith and trust you have for the people who still post on here.  If you need funds for anything I'm your man.  (Within reason of course)  I want you to keep up the good work.  This is very exciting and I look forward to it.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2011, 10:06:20 am »
Good for you Volt for posting this on here.  It shows a large amount of faith and trust you have for the people who still post on here.  If you need funds for anything I'm your man.  (Within reason of course)  I want you to keep up the good work.  This is very exciting and I look forward to it.

Thanks, for the encouragement, also i just updated album with a few shots from today.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2011, 10:14:14 am »
Now this is awesome:

<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2011, 10:15:39 am »
Now this is awesome:

when it's done it will look more like this


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2011, 10:17:54 am »
This stuff looks awesome. And that mara begs for proper skin.

I hope you're keeping up the work. It's a shame if this work is wasted away. Really.
Like this one:


By the way, have you or any of your crew shots of that suit being modelled? :p

Too bad that real life takes big amount of my time. Not even time to play even. Otherwise, I would start to learn modeling (which I have tried to do for over year now ,And yes, I fail!!), and start to contribute to projects like this.

Best of luck to you, Volt! :)


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2011, 10:46:37 am »
This stuff looks awesome. And that mara begs for proper skin.

I hope you're keeping up the work. It's a shame if this work is wasted away. Really.
Like this one:


By the way, have you or any of your crew shots of that suit being modelled? :p

Too bad that real life takes big amount of my time. Not even time to play even. Otherwise, I would start to learn modeling (which I have tried to do for over year now ,And yes, I fail!!), and start to contribute to projects like this.

Best of luck to you, Volt! :)

Give us about 2weeks with the bsuit, we're focusing on getting the base human textured along with the rest of the human stuff, then we'll work on segmenting the bsuit and then lowering poly count so it gets ingame I'll post screenshots into that album when the bsuit gets put ingame.


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2011, 12:59:44 pm »
Good luck! Here's some good advice you should in my opinion follow:

The gallery is very confusing in its current form because no one can tell what's being used. It makes sense if it's a random dev shot gallery but for general public viewing people prefer something they can understand.

You should group images to "concept art", "alien models -> dragoon", etc., it would help a lot.

Also, if you plan to make a project like this, an entirely new website with forums, screenshots, videos, etc. would be very much appreciated, almost a requirement even.


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Re: Tremz Introduction - A mod for tremulous Screenshots
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2011, 01:19:48 pm »
Good luck! Here's some good advice you should in my opinion follow:

The gallery is very confusing in its current form because no one can tell what's being used. It makes sense if it's a random dev shot gallery but for general public viewing people prefer something they can understand.

You should group images to "concept art", "alien models -> dragoon", etc., it would help a lot.

Also, if you plan to make a project like this, an entirely new website with forums, screenshots, videos, etc. would be very much appreciated, almost a requirement even.
Grouping images is something on the back burner of things to do. We have a dev website with forums setup but it's not open to the public. A website is in development but the only thing keeping it from going live is some database issues with linking of achievement/award system within trem to web pages.Here is a image of the website design. We're making progress, I'll see if i can get someone to work on grouping images so they're more friendly. Thanks for the input.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2011, 02:04:04 pm »
Sorry if I came across as a hater. What you guys are doing is the kind of thing I'd love to be doing myself and I really do hope the project keeps it's pace and luster because it looks like you'll go far.

If I do have negative things to say, it's because I want the project to succeed and am offering what I can to help. I can understand it's not nice to be called 'deceptive' so take consolation in my choice of words because I don't believe you have outright lied, and if you're guilty of anything it's of being proud of your project. :)


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2011, 02:15:48 pm »
I will wait for a demo before joining the hype wagoon


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2011, 02:30:27 pm »
+1, and lulz at the haters.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2011, 02:54:10 pm »
5. Admin system that is based on sql so it's easily compatible with
web applications

11. Updated install files
12. House cleaning of tremulous code and project file

Adding SQL support to tremded was probably the best thing I ever did back when I ran a server. Integration ftw! I'm also curious to see how much cleaner your source tree is.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2011, 03:01:43 pm »
Sorry if I came across as a hater. What you guys are doing is the kind of thing I'd love to be doing myself and I really do hope the project keeps it's pace and luster because it looks like you'll go far.

If I do have negative things to say, it's because I want the project to succeed and am offering what I can to help. I can understand it's not nice to be called 'deceptive' so take consolation in my choice of words because I don't believe you have outright lied, and if you're guilty of anything it's of being proud of your project. :)
Thanks, I appreciate it.

 Well word on the street is you're a good artist, want to do some concept art? hit me up on #voltdev on irc we'll talk :)

I will wait for a demo before joining the hype wagoon
Your signature is cute, you can't positively be as grumpy as you come off as :) and if you are "f0rqu3" thanks for the help a few years ago when i was asking 100million questions on how to do stuff to trem on irc. I was newbie then but those answers lead to many great things. Judging by my email it was on 12/16/08 I think i emailed one of your buddies looking for a patch that did something to server browser to which he got you to come on irc to try and help me. The newbie filled question&Answer session judging by the logs was irritating to re-read seeing as I was asking very basic questions that shouldn't have been asked. But you answered them anyways, This is prob. the reason why i try to answer peoples questions when I see that they're having problems with anything related to trem. Just wanted to say, that I'd prob. wouldn't even been doing this mod if i didn't get those questions answered that day, so Thanks!

If you aren't f0rqu3 then disregard the post above, but i still think you have a cute signature.

Edit: I'd just like to say posting here was prob. the smartest idea. Since posting here we've picked up 2more model artist, an engine render expert and an amazing texture artist. This community still has hope!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 03:49:48 pm by Volt »


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2011, 03:33:32 pm »
I'll be on later today to chat.

As for the low-poly model, I'm currently trying to figure out the best way to make the model segmented without losing it's smooth look. Not easy.

Fun fact: The current human player model for tremulous has exactly 1337 faces.


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Re: Tremz - A mod for tremulous(Screenshots included)
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2011, 04:13:13 pm »
That looks really nice... and awesome speed of development (I wish I was that productive :( ).

About the segmentation... why not switch to a more modern model format like iqm ( )or md5? Implementations for the quake3 engine exist AFAIK and it will look a lot better and even render faster on todays (and the last 5 years) GPUs.

Another thing:

OpenWolf a WolfET source-code enhancement project is already somewhat tremulous compatible, while vastly enhancing the engines looks and features...

Wouldn't it be an awesome idea to collaborate with those guys and base Tremz on that engine (could be very easy to do... well maybe).

Anyways... keep up the great work!

P.S.: What will be the license of the media files? Creative commons Attribution Share alike like the original tremulous assets?