1. no duration.... so i start a zap, put a wall in my LOS to the target, and continue to do damage? and wasent the zap code some sort of hack up till last year's "new zap changes"? i seem to remember reading that zap had not been functioning as intended all along till said change.
3. two or three months, as i said, the unbalance put me off. i ended up playing nexuiz instead.
3. a. yes. remember, in my last post i did explicitly state "GPP is unbalanced"
3. b. yes, and? it also has 3-4X the delay of claw, if not more. you could say "claw is just a close ranged zap that is restricted to one target, is affected by armor and damage location, and has almost no delay" instead. also of note, the best mara players i have specced typically claw almost exclusively, they reserve zapping for destroying bases.
3. c. new structure property - structure armor. if damage type == [POUNCE]: reduce damage by 80%. (this is what i was talking about in point 2 of my last reply)
3. d. (some) australians are fucking retarded. not just retarded, fucking retarded. how retarded? let me count the ways. 1 - luci is not hitscan, MD is. 2 - luci has splash damage, MD has none. 3 - luci has two fire modes, MD has zoom. the missile launcher and the railgun are as different as you can get in terms of quake weapons.
3. e. rant is OP in 1.1 with or without low ping.
3. f. i have more basi kills than goon pounces and chomps combined. clearly basi is overpowered and needs to be nerfed. we are not talking punce vs chump, though, there are topic for that. specifics of balance issues aside, the point was you CAN implement 1.1 style balance in gpp.
1. It's exactly the same for me. There's no difference as far as i can tell between old gpp [since instant zap] and new gpp [last few updates] in terms of zap except damage division. If you're talking graphics, i still can run behind a wall after zapping and still see the graphics, even when zapping a structure on a low ping server.
3. [pre-a]LOL That's nothing. To have fun in the game, you'll need to play more than just 3 months. Before my friend started liking trem, he had already played for about half a year. It's the same for me, for both 1.1 and gpp. I didn't like gpp gameplay but got used to it after half a year.
3.b >Strafe jumping allows me and lots of players to do hit-and-run easily. If it's atcs middle, i can circle the bunker outside easily without having my horizontal speed below 600-700-ish. I can even go up to 1100 and touch the skybox using gpp's ramp jump feature without using the two walls of the corners off the pillar things. I've managed to last as the last one remaining with 4 players on humans while i have no eggs, simply by being a maurader and whizzing past people doing hit and runs and died when there was only one human left with no nodes while giving himself ammo [i didn't know devmap was on at the time]
>I also enjoy using claw than zapping, so obviously my strike kills are higher than zaps. People like christmas though...
3.c. I can't construct new code just like that. The closest to producing "brand new" code was actually simply adding health to the user as he deals out damage [permanent vampire mode, toggled off for now]. It intially was a sample vampire code from a pre-made modder's pack for quake 3. BTW I lost that pack when i lost my virtual machine.
3.d Not literally idiot. We just dubbed it that way because it's about as fast as the pulse rifle bullet.
3.e Not on aussie assault. People actually knew how to use the luci, pulse etc. unlike americans which simply aim and spam and run straight when chasing down tyrants. Some of us actually luci ump ahead of the tyrant while others simply preserve ammo and get another mate to corner off the tyrant.
3.f Probably because you're a low pinger. Do so on a high ping server. I have 300+ping [298 actually] on every server but asia unofficials on gpp, with 98 ping. [actually gets as small as ~85 if lucky]
and wasent the zap code some sort of hack up till last year's "new zap changes"? i seem to remember reading that zap had not been functioning as intended all along till said change.
1.fact: the zap ranges and tracing was retarded until RECENT(TM)ly.
I.e., instant zap -> Reduce counter to 1 msec [cannot divide by 0], Pounce Damage -> 115 - 4 hit kill battlesuits, and IS NOT OVERPOWERED AGAINTS LARMOUR
2.use of "->" to mean "<insert_appropriate_meaning_near_here>" is just of abomination as the use of the n word.
1. Ranges - I've already done that in my qvm. Tracing -

It's just click and it will hit if nothing's blocking. If you're talking about how the attack "kills itself" if it hits the <world> first, well whatever. I never liked how you can chomp and zap stuff behind metal grills in gpp anyway.
2. I have no idea what you're talking about.