Author Topic: GPP-1.1 Arena / ProTrem  (Read 39950 times)

ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2012, 09:20:19 am »
3rd - It's easier to simulate GPP effects in 1.1. I.e., instant zap • Reduce counter to 1 msec [cannot divide by 0], Pounce Damage • 115 - 4 hit kill battlesuits, and IS NOT OVERPOWERED AGAINTS LARMOUR
Oh that one. I thought you meant the ones that are displayed like
->point one
->point two
In this context, it is an assignment i.e.
instant zap = reducing the duration of zap to 1 msec
pounce damage = 115 (4 hit kills bsuits)


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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #61 on: December 29, 2012, 09:21:38 pm »
In this context, it is an assignment i.e.
instant zap = reducing the duration of zap to 1 msec
pounce damage = 115 (4 hit kills bsuits)
my point stands. there is no standard and no de facto standard definition for "->". as a result, whenever anyone uses "->", he/she's using it as "insert appropriate meaning here, because i fail at communication". the colon (":") signifies resolution, explanation, or addition of detail, and is thus a proper choice here. it can be argued that neither of ":" and "=" is the best choice, but it's a fact that each of them is better than "->".


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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #62 on: December 30, 2012, 08:41:23 am »
instant zap = reducing the duration of zap to 1 msec
pounce damage = 115 (4 hit kills bsuits)
Quote from: RAKninja-Decepticon
1.  range.  range was changed.  look at the changelog.  what do you mean by "duration"?  what do you mean by "instant zap"?
circular definitions do not explain what you mean to me.

lets say that my understanding of zap is that i press the button and lighting shoots out and does damage.  could you please explain to me the difference between 1.1 and gpp zap without assuming i understand the math behind it (because i do not, i have not even looked at it)
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ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #63 on: December 30, 2012, 10:49:17 am »
Quote from: RAKninja-Decepticon
1.  range.  range was changed.  look at the changelog.  what do you mean by "duration"?  what do you mean by "instant zap"?
circular definitions do not explain what you mean to me.

lets say that my understanding of zap is that i press the button and lighting shoots out and does damage.  could you please explain to me the difference between 1.1 and gpp zap without assuming i understand the math behind it (because i do not, i have not even looked at it)
In 1.1 you need to be within range at all times when the zap is in effect else it won't do full damage, so you can't simply just zap someone as you whiz by them.
To make it simple to understand, let's create a situation
- Zap range is default, 300.
- Zap "duration" is 1000 msec i.e. one second. 1.1 never had a zap that happens straight away as you click, rather it was delt uniformly over time.
- Zap damage is 100.
Hence, if you just zap from the corner of a wall like gpp style and run, you'll end up only doing a mere 5-20 damage only, if you're only zapping one enemy.* Also, enemies are chained differently to gpp - in a "catapillar" kind of form rather than a "Y" form. I.e., one zaps another, linked to another, linked to another instead of one zaps another, linking to two others. In KoRx, it's just user zaps 3 without having to aim, which is even better in my opinion, and also the secondary needs to be held down to deal damage slowly which is pretty sweet.

*Total damage to first enemy depends on how many are chained to it. A maximum of two are to be chained to it, so the first one would receive a minimum of 66 damage while the next one  receives 44 while the last 2 or something like that. I didn't quite like this part, rather i'd like it to go 100-50-25, which is more simplified and rewarding.

Anyway in the 1,1 example, the marauder needs to stay within 300 units of its enemy fr one whole second to deal out 100 damage if he's not wearing armour. Hence it would be a one hit kill as long as he stays close. To intiate the zap, it is also 300 units, which can kinda be annoying to sustain, so i modded this in my lolards qvm so to intiate the zap you'll need to be 200 units close and to sustain, it's 400 units.

However, this is not related to gpp - gpp zap ranges depends ONLY if the target is a victim from another zap victim i.e. in a chain, where the other type is the first one in the chain.
First one in the chain needs to be at most 300 units from the marauder, while its chain victims have to be at least 200 units from the first victim. Honestly i'd rather the two sets of numbers swapped around, so you need to be 200 units close to ur first zap victim while its chain-ees are 300 from it, for gameplay's sake.

TL;DR: Play both games for an extended period of time and examine it thoroughly, like I did. Or you can read the source code, although it's really complicated for the 1.1 side.


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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #64 on: December 30, 2012, 05:27:39 pm »
ah, thank you.  it is never too long for me to read.

man, 1.1 zap is stupid as hell.
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ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #65 on: December 31, 2012, 02:16:13 am »
ah, thank you.  it is never too long for me to read.

man, 1.1 zap is stupid as hell.
Yes and no in my opinion.
I like how chain-ees receive less damage and how the zap isn't instant, but i hate how the more chain-ees = less damage to first/other victims.

Honestly i reckon KoRx has the best zap system. I recommend you to try it. You don't have to aim, and deals damage over time.


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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #66 on: December 31, 2012, 07:09:13 pm »
Yes and no in my opinion.
I like how chain-ees receive less damage and how the zap isn't instant, but i hate how the more chain-ees = less damage to first/other victims.

Honestly i reckon KoRx has the best zap system. I recommend you to try it. You don't have to aim, and deals damage over time.
i'll pass.  i prefer mechanics that take at least a small amount of skill.

admittedly, the point of aim could be made to be slightly more generous.
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ULTRA Random ViruS

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Re: GPP-1.1 on 1.1 QVM Merge
« Reply #67 on: January 01, 2013, 06:22:44 am »
i'll pass.  i prefer mechanics that take at least a small amount of skill.

admittedly, the point of aim could be made to be slightly more generous.
AFAIK, the gpp zap was "supposed" to not require aiming from one of the updates, I might have read wrong.

Although the KoRx zap barely does damage, it also drains energy from jetpacks [they have "batteries"] and energy type weapons. However, the mass driver in the mod isn't a energy-type weapon [it has its own ups though] so you can't really lose a whole clip each time you see an advance marauder.

Actually, my favourite part about zapping jettards is blowing up their jetpacks [slim chance when they are running out of fuel], it's gotta be one of the best features in the mod. Sadly no one really plays korx anymore [only server(s) that are online with it are lagged due to complaints about unlagged-related bugs] so i miss the old days.