congested internet keeps blocking me from sending this message... hopefully it will work this time.
I think i was saying something like:
-I don't mod unvanquished due to its too-frequent updates
-chose CoW qvm for its bot-application + "recent" [when i did start lolards]
-agreeing on I'm probably the last one left modding tremulous in existance, at least i'd make a minor impact to history
-Can't find any free 24/7 server hosters apart from Clutch, which doesn't know about gpp well hence cannot use GPP source
-More players exist in 1.1 [GPP often goes down to '0' players at a certain time of daylight for me, but 1.1 never goes below 3 players, and 1.1 these days can peak at about 30+ while gpp only about 10-20 when i'm awake]
-GPP source is harder to "downgrade" for 1.1 effects since things like a lot of important statements have been modified in such a way i can't reverse the changes* at my current level [Honestly, I never learnt programming, hence this is my first project modified using mere maths and shit]
*1.1 'zap' code was a lot more complicated than gpp you know... and a lot of weird stuff like "pouncing downwards" are illogical "bugfixes" that i don't like
-Trem is in fact, my first FPS game i ever played in my life, i would at least like to contribute to it in some way.
-Most people prefer "vanilla" -or- "gpp" gameplay, hence i started this 1.1-gpp gameplay thing.