Download QVM (676 KB)Alternate QVM download (180 KB)Download example map Ambush (332 KB)Download ambush3.0.patch (11 KB, diff from Lakitu7's 5.4)New in 3.0:- based on new Lakitu7 source QVM 5.4
- automaticaly resets g_ambush to 0 and alien ff to 1 while map change, timelimit, map vote etc. Default.cfg is not needed anymore.
- added g_ambush_range for aliens radar range
- fixed g_ambush_kill_spawns - not affect non-ambush game anymore
New in 2.0:- human bots allowed
- jetpack is not allowed only in ambush mod
- more understable g_ variables
- not counting kills to next wave in rebuild time (if is g_ambush_stage_suicide 0)
- one new wave - grangers
- g_ambush_kill_spawns
- g_ambush_att_buildables
- aliens can shoot (grangers and adv dragons)
Description?Humans are attacked by aliens in waves.
First wave = adv grangers

Second wave = dretchs

Third wave = basilisks

Last wave is full of tyrants and if you kill enough of them, then aliens eggs will blown up and after you kill rest of tyrants, humans will win and finish time will be displayed.
It starts at attack stage 1 and ends with attack stage 9.
Aliens can attack players and buildings. Aliens can jump, taunt, wallwalk, shoot barbs, teamkill etc. After humans wins, then time record appear. But they must win in regular way - not by killing enemy spawns.
For sucess is needed absolutedly different tactic than normal game.
Humans?Is possible buy and use everything from normal game but no jetpack.
Aliens?Is possible also help aliens, but admins must judge if this will be allowed.
Different maps?Is possible run this mod on any map, but then you have expect that aliens will stuck on many places.
Server?This mod should be able handle standard tremulous game like with Lakitu7's QVM 5.4 (plus you can use Amine Trembot commands) and Ambush mod only on selected map. If you want run Ambush mod only on map Ambush, create this dir:
base/mapconfigs/And copy there
ambush.cfg file (you can edit it). Then you can play all maps like before, but only ambush map will activate ambush mod. BTW, this file adding 10 bots.
Setup?If you want max 30 bots, then add or change in server.cfg:
set sv_privateClients 30If you want use
eggs on ceiling, don't forget turn on g_antiSpawnBlock (for example in ambush.cfg:
set g_antiSpawnBlock 200), otherwise tyrants will stuck after they spawn.
Settings? (from mapconfigs)g_ambush 1 (ambush mod 1 = on, 0 = off)
g_ambush_granger_s1 20 (number of granger kills to stage 2.)
g_ambush_dretch_s2 20 (number of dretch kills to stage 3.)
g_ambush_basilisk_s3 20 (number of basilisk kills to stage 4.)
g_ambush_basilisk2_s4 20 (number of adv basilisk kills to stage 5.)
g_ambush_marauder_s5 20 (number of marauder kills to stage 6.)
g_ambush_marauder2_s6 20 (number of adv marauder kills to stage 7.)
g_ambush_dragon_s7 20 (number of dragon kills to stage 8.)
g_ambush_dragon2_s8 20 (number of adv dragon kills to stage 9.)
g_ambush_tyrants_to_win (number of tyrant kills to "NO EGGS" message.)
g_ambush_dodge 50 (how much aliens dodging left and right)
g_ambush_dodge_random 10 (how big random number will be added to dodge)
g_ambush_rebuild_time 60 (between waves can be pause for rebuild base, when aliens not attacking. In seconds.)
g_ambush_sec_to_start 40 (warmup for aliens)
g_ambush_stage_suicide 0 (when you got new stage, all remaining aliens immediately die. 1 = on (easy), 0 = off (hard).)
g_ambush_no_egg_ffoff 1 (when your server using friendly fire, then will be turned off for aliens in last stage with no eggs. Otherwise rest of tyrants will kill each other and for humans remain only last one. After humans win, friendly fire wil be restored. If you play alone or only few players, I recommend set it to 0 and leave friendly fire on, because othervise tyrants probably kill you and without credits can't win or kill tyrant. 1 = on (hard), 0 = off (easy).)
g_ambush_kill_spawns 0 (if you leave it to 0, then humans can't destroy eggs and they must finish game with tyrants together)
g_ambush_att_buildables 0 (0 mean aliens attacking only players. 1 mean aliens attacking players and their buildables. 1 = [b]THIS IS MADNESS:[/b] , 0 = easy.)
g_ambush_range 10000 (how far can aliens see. For example 300 is turret range)
TODO?- g_ambush_radar 1/0 (aliens attacking trough walls or only enemies what are in line of sight)
- aliens should allways chase nearest enemy, not only select nearest enemy when they spawn.
- make more maps
- make server
My experience?Fun. And if you set g_ambush_att_buildables to 1 - then you will be happy when you survive first wave - Granger attack. And if you succesfuly finish this game then you must be really spartan. For this settings is probably better new layout, something like fortress :-)
Ambush mod using:
- Amine Trembot
- Lakitu7 v5.4
If you want copile it, then download svn revision 966, apply Lakitu7 5.4 patch and then ambush3.0 patch.
(sorry for my english)