Author Topic: Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!  (Read 148603 times)


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« on: September 15, 2007, 05:40:32 am »
TremBot behaves like most players: it spawns, it camps, and it attacks enemy on sight. This patch also contains the Lakitu7 v5.01 Patch!


== ADMIN ==
It is controlled completely via admin commands:

!bot add [botname] [team]
!bot add ROBOCOP humans - adds ROBOCOP to human team
!bot add ALIENBOT aliens - adds ALIENBOT to alien team

!bot del [name-match]
!bot del ROBO - deletes every bot that contains 'ROBO' in their name
!bot del BOT - deletes every bot that contains 'BOT' in their name

!botcmd [name-match] [command]
This will change the bot behavior.
!botcmd ROBOCOP idle <-- idle. don't shoot enemy, nothing.
!botcmd ROBOCOP standground <-- stand ground but kill enemy.
!botcmd ROBOCOP regular <-- chase enemy and kill (default behavior).
!botcmd ROBOCOP teamkill <-- consider teammates as enemies.
!botcmd ROBOCOP followattack <-- follow me until you see enemy, kill it, then follow me again!
!botcmd ROBOCOP followidle <-- follow me no matter what. Do not attack.
!botcmd ROBOCOP followprotect <-- not yet implemented.
!botcmd ROBOCOP defensive <-- not yet implemented.
!botcmd ROBOCOP attack <-- not yet implemented.

Any other !botcmd behavior will default to 'regular'.

== FLAGS ==
To give access to !bot, you need flag 'Z'.
To give access to !botcmd, you need flag 'z'.

Replace game.qvm with attached qvm, OR compile it yourself:
mkdir tremsrc
cp [the .patch file] tremsrc/
cd tremsrc
rm -rf trunk
svn co svn:// -r966
patch -p0 < [the .patch file]

If all compiles well, you can find your new qvm here:

== SETUP ==
OKAY, Pay attention. Your server MUST have reserved slots! In your config, you will find a line that looks like this (if not, add it!):

sv_privateclients 3

Change it's value (3) to the MAXIMUM amount of bots you want added!
The reserved password does not matter for bots.

A good fun setup for gaming is the same setup I use on my server (The Zubs [!BOTS!]):

Automatically add 20 alien bots and 3 human bots, lock alien team, and place eggs all over alien base (on roof, because eggs 'block' line of sight for bots).

== FAQ ==
Q. I can't add a bot!
A. Make sure you have enough reserved slots, and that you have access.

Q. I can't buy Flamer, Luci, Grenade, or Jetpack!!
A. They have been disabled in this patch. To reactivate them, look at bg_misc.c and replace '0' with the def comment I added next to it under the weapons.

Q. But.. they don't evolve, or attack enemy base?!
A. Your powers of observation serve you well.

Q. Where can I see this in action before installing it?
A. I run a server called The Zubs [!BOTS!]. Look it up!

Q. How come bots don't take slots in server listing?
A. Unfortunately I don't have much time anymore to fix that! Next version!

Thank you all for helping me test this out! All comments and constructive criticism welcome! Have fun!

n00b pl0x

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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2007, 05:46:29 am »
why no flamer luci jet or grenade
will sort out my sig, or I will get banned.



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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2007, 05:54:37 am »
This is sweet only prob is its laggy!

Death On Ice

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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 06:05:44 am »
Get a decent server.

'Nuff Said.

@Ploxinator: Because they are insanely cheap with bots that sit until they see you. They will swarm you, and shooting the ground with a luci can kill all of th em at any given time. :roll:


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 06:13:24 am »
Anyways, not bad for a first release :)
Aliens' | Humans' | Wrath Public-CW

All other *wrath-server are copycats and not affiliated with us.



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Re: Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 07:06:24 am »
Quote from: "amine"

Q. I can't buy Flamer, Luci, Grenade, or Jetpack!!
A. They have been disabled in this patch. To reactivate them, look at bg_misc.c and replace '0' with the def comment I added next to it under the weapons.

What? I can't rape swarms with my luci?

Just kidding, I have no problem with people not being able to killwhore them. Though you should make a cvar. Oh, and btw, YEAH


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2007, 07:09:23 am »
I love it. It is great fun controlling a swarm of dretches. There is almost the illusion of life, of sentience in these dretches... they feel like true insects to me in a way. The humans are still rather retarded but also great fun to lead to base with followattack. :)

I am going to see how many dretches I can get on my C2D E6320 running 64bit Ubuntu Feisty without lagging horribly.

Good work mate!
uck you.


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 07:57:56 am »
Just tried it on Zubs' server..

Well, really good job for a first release.. Of course there is still a lot to improve but the dretch storm was realistic enough  :D
Imho a way to choose skill level is needed, because as i'm writing this, bots with no lag issues and that perfect aim are too deadly  :wink:

I had a small chat with him (he even let me try the commands on his server :D) and expecially the "followattack" feature, is impressive on the humans side..

I know he has a few ideas to implement in the next version, so keep it up!  :wink:  :P


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2007, 08:18:20 am »
Though they are pretty easy to kill at this point, I must say, impressive work. It has great potential.  Maybe it can even be added as an offline feature for 1.2.  I'll try to test them some more later this week.
Currently: {&}AppleJuice


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2007, 09:49:28 am »
these are ace on your server, they actually perform rather well, jumping on you, they arenot bad!
I love the way you get like 12 of them swarming you, then you kill them all off, or get killed yourself (they can be hard to kill).
My favorite player is Jesus, because everything is forgiven when he respawns.



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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2007, 11:26:31 am »
Tried it myself, and it ROCKS!!
When a swarm of aliens is coming your way... Awesome! :D

You should make a singleplayer mod with this :D


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2007, 12:11:35 pm »
If you consider making a single-player mod for trem, with this bot. I will do my best in mapping for it.


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2007, 01:24:18 pm »
It would be nice if they followed teammates they can see, instead of following the person who told them to. "!botcmd bot escort" should be used if you want them to follow you.
Another thing that really needs to be done is being able to make layout-style aas files. Placing aas nodes in layout would allow server ops to do it for custom maps, and also the ability to update it in-game.
Other than that, its awesome, and the bots are slightly better than an first-time noob.
I'm playing Tremulous on a Mac!
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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2007, 02:10:01 pm »
I think it may lag less if you use the .so/.dll and start the server with +set vm_game 0


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2007, 02:11:30 pm »
Nice Amine TY !!!!! Added to bricosoft server for any level (0+) with 4 bot-reserved slots.


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2007, 03:57:19 pm »
These bots are GREAT! I was playing on the server and it was so fun. Only problem is I was lagging becasue of a high ping but it was so fun! Keep up the good work. I look forward to even more commands.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good

a Turret

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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2007, 04:30:54 pm »
The mod itself is totally awesome but your server is the opposite tbh.

You have the aliens team locked, which I actually like that, but all your mods and admins on the server abuse it and get on alien teams. This would normally be ok, But then you also have the humans not being able to use 90% of the good weapons.

So then all the alien whores own us with tyrants, and we can't use any good weapons to defend our self.

Other then the few alien whores its a great mod, and I love it cause its co-op, humans against computers. But like I said, the few alien real players really mess up the server.

I like how you removed luci and flamer, those weapons own dretches to easy. this makes people use weapons such as MD, which makes them practice. But we can't practice with aliens owning our base and we have to defend from tyrants using rifles and MD's. So I highly suggest you tell your admins/mods to stay off the alien team


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2007, 04:51:42 pm »
I am going to try this later on hellfire, but it looks as if it would have great promise.

All you need to ensure is that the bots miss realistically.
Thats one of the hardest things about coding an ai, because naturally they shoot deadly accurate. If you add a random time thing to the shot, then it generally works, because they often shoot behind the target.


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2007, 06:15:27 pm »


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2007, 07:05:06 pm »
Ok that is just gay shit with all the tking deconning assholes on there.
Everytime we built nodes and arm they deconned it and laughed heavily about it cause we couldnt call kick votes.

Come on An|me fix that so we can actually try these bots out without having to deal with this type of childish bullshit please.
Quote from: amine
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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2007, 08:34:22 pm »
Quote from: "a Turret"
The mod itself is totally awesome but your server is the opposite tbh.

You have the aliens team locked, which I actually like that, but all your mods and admins on the server abuse it and get on alien teams. This would normally be ok, But then you also have the humans not being able to use 90% of the good weapons.

So then all the alien whores own us with tyrants, and we can't use any good weapons to defend our self.

Other then the few alien whores its a great mod, and I love it cause its co-op, humans against computers. But like I said, the few alien real players really mess up the server.

I like how you removed luci and flamer, those weapons own dretches to easy. this makes people use weapons such as MD, which makes them practice. But we can't practice with aliens owning our base and we have to defend from tyrants using rifles and MD's. So I highly suggest you tell your admins/mods to stay off the alien team
Well, Turret, we wouldn't have tyrants if you didn't FEED us. It takes over 120 kills for aliens to get s3, so do not even complain about that. If you want to join aliens I would be glad to putteam you on to them. By 90% of good weapons you mean Flamer and Luci? Why would you want them unlocked? To kill whore and be on top of the score list? Who gives a crap.


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2007, 08:51:09 pm »
Is this based on botlib, vcxzet's bot, or wholely original?

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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2007, 08:55:10 pm »
Quote from: "Risujin"
Is this based on botlib, vcxzet's bot, or wholely original?

update your patches they are quite unusable with the current svn

Death On Ice

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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2007, 09:06:44 pm »
Quote from: "Risujin"
vcxzet's bot


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2007, 10:24:59 pm »
I have 3 questions.

1. What are the skill levels? Is 1 the highest or 10 or even 20?

2. How do you make the bots always spawn at the beginning of each match with !bot add all of them?

3. Also, can you make the human bots able to get off the spawns in the next version?

Great Job Amine! Can't wait for TremBot v1.0 :P
roud Ex-Leader of the Mighty UVache!


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2007, 02:23:35 am »
Am|ne great job buddy! I was tinkering around with this in my lan server, and boy is it fun!!

Maybe in the next version, have the bots be able to free roam?

Keep up the good work man!


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2007, 03:57:28 am »
Thank you for your replies. I'll try answering as many as I can:

@risujin: as the source code clearly states: vcxzet (f0rqu3's) bot was used as a guide to creating this. Without it, it would have taken me a long time to finish this release. Although I first started out editing his bot, I ended up rewriting most of the code so that users will be able to use/change behavior of bots without having access to console.

@the guy with the photoshop skills: these are called Way Points (WP). They aren't an easy thing to do (for me, anyways) but we'll try getting them implemented in the next version.

@Rabbitt: you fail at spelling my name. please don't try anymore.

@==Troy==: Thank you. I'll take you up on that some day ;)

@techhead: excellent idea. I will try to add it by next version.

@Greudin + anyone else who runs a server: don't forget to announce you use bots in the server name, some people don't want to play with bots :P

@a Turret: Problem fixed.

@DoorKnob: Skill isn't implemented as of yet. It's just there for show now. Use default.cfg to make bots spawn every start of map (by adding the appropriate !bot command). Also, this includes lakitu's QVM so you can use the 'force off spawn' cvar, but I will try to make them auto-walk off spawns next release.

@Mexel: when we get waypoints, we can develop this idea further :-)

Thanks again everyone for the great comments. Hard work was put into this and I'm very happy with the outcome and the community's reaction!


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2007, 11:35:47 am »


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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2007, 11:40:42 am »
Amine nice work btw. I have your mod running on my server and so far so good. Few questions thou

1. How do you get the bots to evolve?

2. Is there a limit to how many bot you can have? I have 30 bots to see and thats alot.

3. Why do they camp the spawns? I have lakitu's QVM going but there is somthing wrong it doesnt put them off spawns.

Btw extremly nice work for practing by yourself.



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Amine's TremBot v0.01 Released!
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2007, 12:01:57 pm »
In the next release we should be able to make the bots follow others as well. ex: atm: !botcmd humanbot1 followattack -- so they follow you. but we should be able to : !botcmd humanbot1 followattack Am|ne -- so they follow you instead. An maybe also link command like: !botcmd humanbot1;humanbot2 followattack so they both follow you.
<Timbo> posting on the trem forums rarely results in anything good